Hi guys!
I've been trying to make a program that reads n elements of an array and then it displays the longest increasing subsequence of prime numbers whose reverse numbers are prime as well.
For example if n=12 and the elements of tha array(positive integers)are:
51 48 11 971 44 19 181 751 347 33 929 359
it should display the subsequence 181 751 347.
181 is a prime number and its reverse is 181 that is prime as well.
It's the same for 751==>157 and 347==>743
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   int i,lmax = 0,l,poz,p,n,a[50],aux,d,d1,ok1 = 0,ok2 = 0,j,rev = 0,nr,q;

    cin >> n;
    for(i = 1;i <= n;i++)cin >> a[i];
    i = 1;
    while (i <= n){ poz = i;
    ok1 = 0;
    aux = a[i];
    for(d = 2;d <= aux/2;d++)
    if(aux % d == 0)ok1 = 1;

    rev = 0;
    nr = aux;
    while (nr>0){rev = rev*10+nr%10;
    ok2 = 0;

    for(d1 = 2;d1 <= rev/2;d1++)
    if(rev%d1 == 0)ok2 = 1;
    if((ok1 == 0)&&(ok2 == 0))i++;
    q = i;
    l = q-poz+1;
    if(l > lmax)lmax = l;
    i = 1;
    while (i <= n){
    poz = 1;
    aux = a[i];
    for(d = 2;d <= aux/2;d++)
    if(aux % d == 0)ok1 = 1;

    rev = 0;
    nr = aux;
    while (nr>0){rev = rev*10+nr%10;
    ok2 = 0;
    for(d1 = 2;d1 <= rev/2;d1++)
    if(rev % d1 == 0)ok2 = 1;
    if((ok1 == 0)&&(ok2 == 0))i++;
    if (j <= n){
    q = i;
    l = q-poz+1;
    if(l == lmax)
    for(j = poz ;j <= q;j++)cout << a[j] << " ";
return 0;
I know that it's wrong but I don't know how to fix it.What should I do ?
Thanks in advance!