Say you had two classes:

class Adult {
        void crawl() {...}
        void run() {...}

class Baby {
        void crawl() {...}
method crawl() uses the same implementation in both classes. How would you 'factor out' method crawl into a base class and have the relationship make sense? I can only think of the following solutions, none of which seem very good to me.

1. I could have Adult inherit from Baby (deleting Adult's crawl() implementation), but then i would be saying that an Adult 'is-a' Baby.

2. I could compose a Baby object in Adult so as to re-use method crawl(). But again, this would imply that an Adult is composed of a Baby, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

3. I could have a Human base class with a concrete implementation of crawl() which both Adult and Baby extend from. However, Baby would be completely empty.

4. I could have a Human base class with a concrete implementation of method crawl(), which both Adult and Baby compose. In this case, Baby would have a crawl() method that simply calls crawl() in Human.

Is there a better way?