Hello guys, I'm new on this forum. I'm Alex, 9th grade and i am 16 years old. I started to learn computer science (informatics if directely translated from my language) this year and i love it. I am one of the best students in my CS class and i would love to go to the CS olympiad this year but my teacher told me that it's no hope. They ask for minimum-intermediate knowledge about CPP and we are learning repetitive structures at class. I have to learn cpp in 2 months and i will focus on that but i dont know where to start. CS is the only subject that i enjoy studying but i am really really confused. What do you think? Shoul i focus all my time on studying CS for the next 2 months? or should i just take it easy and wait for 10th grade? Thank you for taking time to read all my grumble and excuse my bad english(i'm romanian)