I'm looking for an alternative solution to this mess:
int main()
	int selection;
	string input;
	bool goodinput = false;
	bool programexit = false;

	cout << "Welcome to the employee database, what would you like to do?" << endl		// prompt
			<< "1. Add an employee" << endl << "2. Modify an employee" << endl
			<< "3. Exit the program" << endl;
	while (programexit == false)
		goodinput = false;
		while (goodinput == false)
			getline(cin, input);	//get input
			stringstream(input) >> selection;	//extract selection integer
			if (selection == 1)
				goodinput = true;
			else if (selection == 2)
				cout << "Enter the name of the employee you'd like to edit: ";
				getline(cin, input);
				goodinput = true;
			else if (selection == 3)
				programexit = true;
				goodinput = true;
				goodinput = false;	// invalid selection - continue loop
				cout << "Please enter a valid selection, 1 or 2." << endl;
    return 0;
This works, but it's very limited. Like when I run the create function or edit function, or anything inside the main loop, I have to re-initialize my programexit bool. I also have to reinitialize my input variable, as well as the goodinput bool. So there is 3 local variables that I'm always going to need, no matter what user interaction function I would run. Is there any relatively simple solution to programming context menus? I know I'll have to manually enter in logic for specific commands, but I'm wondering is there a more object oriented approach to dealing with these context menu's? I'm open to a good tutorial on the subject, or some tips if you have any. Thank you!