Hi guys,

I copied the source code for a program which calculated the square roots of numbers, and then executed the program in Code::Blocks. Seeing it calculating the numbers gave the idea of trying to disprove Fermat's Last Theorem (which has already been proven ). But when I had a look at how I could write the code I was dismayed to find that there are only five operators (addition, multiplication etc.). I need to use indices (i.e. 2^3) to try and work out a solution to the following equation:

a^? + b^? = c^?

Where ? = the same number each time, and must be 3 or greater.

I had the idea of doing the following:

1*1*1 + 2*2*2= c*c*c (or c^3)

Which may work, but I need to find a whole number solution for it. So I kinda need some help (ok a lot of help....) writing the program to find a solution and become the greatest non-mathematical mathematician in the world Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks.