Gotcha. I wasn't quite sure about the meaning/difference of constant and int when the value is visually as written the same, but figured out so far that a char would be a constant needing the single ' qotes when comparing whereas numbers don't. Correct?

Anyways, it seems to work now (i think). Here's what I made of it:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string section("Introduction");
    string title("Quiz: The basics of C++");
    string chapter;
    string chapter1("Intro");
    string chapter2("If Statements");
    string chapter3("Loops");
    string chapter4("Functions");
    string chapter5("Switch case");
    string ERR("--- Sorry! Please select a number from 1-5. ---");

    int chptr = 0;

    cout << title << endl << endl;
    cout << section << "..." << endl;

    cout << "Please select a chapter (1-5)" << endl;
    cout << "1 - " << chapter1 << endl;
    cout << "2 - " << chapter2 << endl;
    cout << "3 - " << chapter3 << endl;
    cout << "4 - " << chapter4 << endl;
    cout << "5 - " << chapter5 << endl;

    cin >> chptr;

    if (chptr == '0' || chptr >= '6')
        chapter = ERR;
    else if (chptr == 1)
        chapter = chapter1;
    else if (chptr == 2)
        chapter = chapter2;
    else if (chptr == 3)
        chapter = chapter3;
    else if (chptr == 4)
        chapter = chapter4;
    else if (chptr == 5)
        chapter = chapter5;
        chapter = ERR;

    cout << "You have selected chapter-number: " << chptr << endl;
    cout << endl << "The title of the chapter is: " << chapter << endl;

Thanks for guiding me in the right direction and not just putting up the code. I wanna learn and understand the 'why'! Awesome help! Much appreciated.