Hello...This is my first post here so it is a question and an introduction!

Well I have recently started learning about programming in general, so the whole thing is relatively new to me.. I am not currently taking any classes for programming so no need to worry about "doing my homework"... I do this because I want to so in turn I am learning it all on my own so I apologize in advance for any questions that may seem rather silly to a veteran programmer.. I have read part of the tutorial here and a book but I wanted to start to get experience with programming rather than continually just read about it.. (I learn much better actually doing it rather than reading it).

So onto my program (that I need some help with!)
I am trying to just make a basic calculations program for income/expenses using mainly numbers as input, I haven't quite learned about using chars well..

After the first incomechoice I am using if and else if for input of choice 1 or 2, I have else if ( incomechoice > 2 ) to display a message of Invalid entry... but I am having trouble getting it to loop back to the original function of the Please pick 1 or 2.

Any help is greatly appreciated and any comments on anything I should do/not do differently would be great.. This is my first program ever and so far I have written it with no help so please be gentle!

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "                            Welcome to Liquid Money!\n"<< endl;
    cout << "Please press enter to get started...\n";


    float paycheck;
    float salary;
    int incomechoice;
    float expenses;

    cout<<"Is your income Hourly (1) or Salary (2)?\n"<< endl;

    cout<<"Please pick 1 or 2: ";
    cin>> incomechoice;

    if    ( incomechoice == 1 )

    cout<<"What is your NET pay on an average week?\n";
    cin>> paycheck;

    else if ( incomechoice == 2 )

        cout<<"What is your NET income for the year?\n";
        cin>> salary;

    else if ( incomechoice > 2 )
        cout<<"Invalid entry...\n";