After painstakingly trying to figure out what tools and libraries to use to make GUI's ive decided upon settling down to learn wxWidgets. I read its used by large corporations, institutions, engineering and the sciences, basically everyone. It seems to have the best of all worlds. Native feel I could go on and on...

The problem is I only know C so learning C++ to get to wxWidgets will take a while.

Anyway, question:

Its not enough for me to just know the wxWidgets library and functions. I must build it using drag drop features or a GUI builder. So my question is, what is the defacto, largest used, simply "best" GUI builder used for wxWidgets?
wxGlade? wxDesigner? wxForm builder? wxSmith?

My question then would be from where does one go from here?
They are just builders and not standalone IDE's right? For example, wxForm is actually included in Code::Blocks, so how do I get another builder, should it be better, to be included in Code::Blocks (which is my preferential IDE?

Third. Where does one find literature on these GUI builders on how to use them? By that I dont mean a mere wiki article with hello world but rather something exhaustive and detailed.