I'm learning Visual C++. And I have learned that there are two ways to programming in C++. First, use standard C++ and C++/CLI. For simple explain: standard C++: the way we programming before, on borland, on DevC++, or any other IDE. and C++/CLI: mean you progamming C++ with .NET platform after. (and often use Microsoft visual studio IDE).

I know, standard C++ is strong, no doubt.
But, when you choose C++/CLI, mean you want to use the power of .NET(and who use your software, must install .NET too @@). So, when It's happen, when you want to live with .NET, why don't you use C#: the other programming language that have many points different make you program more easy. For the most easiest example: in C# have garbage collection, and you don't care memory leak anymore.

So, who can explain for me, please.