#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
{cout<< "Welcome to RollCast's Classic Salmon Fly Proportion Calculator!"<<endl;
cout<< "Please enter the gape of your hook in mm."<<endl;
int gape;
cin>> gape;
cout<< "Your hook gape ="; cout<< (gape); cout<< "mm"<<endl;
cout<< "Please select which tyers proportions you wish to use"<<endl;
cout<< "A: Kelson \nB: Cohen \nC: Alcott \nD: Carne \nE: Guidry \nF: Inman \nG: Boyer \nH: Ostoj \nI: Gotzmer"<<endl;
cout<< "Please input the letter for which proportion you wish to use"<<endl;
char tyer;
cin>> tyer;
Sorry if this is really simple but I'm only learning C++ and can't figure out this problem.

The idea for this project is to make a program that will take an integer input and then output a set of integers based on which tyer's proportions you choose to use.

However I wanted to try and make the code as foolproof as possible so I don't have to rely on the user checking their inputs?

Basically I want to take the users input, a char and then dependant on what character they input then use a certain scaling factor on their integer input.
