I'm trying to make a program that translates Roman Numerals to arabic numbers, I guess everyone should start with something like that. I've read all the beginner tutorials on this site and decided I wanted to test myself and made this.
Ofcourse I started with almost as much errors as the total amount of lines of code, but by looking them all up on google I managed to get rid of all of them. But I guess that's not the best way to make your program work, because now, without any errors or warnings, it still doesn't work.
So I would really appreciate if anyone could tell me what is causing my program not to work.

the problem is that whatever Roman Numeral I put in it returns the amount of Numerals * 1000.

putting in L returns 1000,
putting in MCLXX returns 5000.

my code:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class RtoA { // Class for translating a Roman numeral to an Arabic number.

        int output;
        string input;
        RtoA() {}; //Constructor
        ~RtoA() {}; //Destructor
        int read(string input) { // Reads the input and returns the output.
            output = 0;
            unsigned int n = 0;
            output = addvalues(n);
            output = check(output);

        int addvalues(unsigned int n) { // Adding the values of the Numerals using recursion.
            if ( !( n > input.length() ) ) { // Bottom of the function.
                output = addvalues(n) + givevalue(n);
            if ( output == 0 ) { return(0); }
            else { return(output); };

        int givevalue(int n) { // Function giving the numerals a value.
            if ( input[n] == 'M' || 'n' ) { return(1000); }
            if ( input[n] == 'D' || 'd' ) { return(500); }
            if ( input[n] == 'C' || 'c' ) { return(100); }
            if ( input[n] == 'L' || 'l' ) { return(50); }
            if ( input[n] == 'X' || 'x' ) { return(10); }
            if ( input[n] == 'V' || 'v' ) { return(5); }
            if ( input[n] == 'I' || 'i' ) { return(1); }
            else { return(0); };

        int check(int output) { // Checking the order of the Roman Numerals.
            for ( unsigned int j = 1; j < input.length(); j++ ) {
                if ( givevalue(input[j]) > givevalue(input[j-1]) ) {
                    output = output - givevalue(input[j-1]);

int main()
    RtoA translate;
    cout<< "Type a Roman Numeral please: \n";
    getline(cin, translate.input, '\n');
    cout<< translate.read(translate.input);

Maybe it is just a stupid mistake but as I said I'm still a beginner,
Thanks a lot in advance!