Thread: My reverse_list function does not work at all.

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    Registered User
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    Oct 2011

    My reverse_list function does not work at all.

    Hi there,

    I created a reverse_list function but it does not work at all. I already spent hours on it, trying to figure out the problem, but still. I am using Dev-C++. here is part of the program (sorry, it is a little long!). Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks again!

    using std::cin;
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;
     #include "linkedList.h"    // header file 
    #include "listException.h"
    #include "ListIndexOutOfRangeException.h"
    #ifndef LIST_H
    #define LIST_H
    using namespace std;
    List::List(const List& aList)
       : size(aList.size)
       if (aList.head == NULL)
           head = NULL;  // original list is empty
       {  // copy first node
           head = new ListNode;
           head->item = aList.head->item;
          // copy rest of list
           ListNode *newPtr = head;  // new list pointer
           // newPtr points to last node in new list
           // origPtr points to nodes in original list
           for (ListNode *origPtr = aList.head->next;
       origPtr != NULL;
       origPtr = origPtr->next)
           {  newPtr->next = new ListNode;
             newPtr = newPtr->next;
     newPtr->item = origPtr->item;
           }  // end for
          newPtr->next = NULL;
       }  // end if
     }  // end copy constructor
       while (!isEmpty())
     }  // end destructor
    const List& List:: operator = (const List& rhs)
    bool List::isEmpty() const
       return size == 0;
     }  // end isEmpty
    int List::getLength(int size) const
       return size;
     }  // end getLength
    List::ListNode *List::find(int index) const
       if ( (index < 1) || (index > getLength(size)) )
           return NULL;
      else  // count from the beginning of the list.
       {  ListNode *cur = head;
           for (int skip = 1; skip < index; ++skip)
             cur = cur->next;
           return cur;
       }  // end if
     }  // end find
    void List::retrieve(int index,
                         ListItemType& dataItem) const
       if ( (index < 1) || (index > getLength(size)) )
           throw ListIndexOutOfRangeException(
     "ListIndexOutOfRangeException: retrieve index out of range");
       {  // get pointer to node, then data in node
           ListNode *cur = find(index);
           dataItem = cur->item;
       }  // end if
     }  // end retrieve
    void List::insert(int index, const ListItemType& newItem)
       throw(ListIndexOutOfRangeException, ListException)
       int newLength = getLength(size) + 1;
      if ( (index < 1) || (index > newLength) )
           throw ListIndexOutOfRangeException(
     "ListIndexOutOfRangeException: insert index out of range");
       {  // try to create new node and place newItem in it
     ListNode *newPtr = new ListNode;
     size = newLength;
     newPtr->item = newItem;
    // attach new node to list
     if (index == 1)
     {  // insert new node at beginning of list
         newPtr->next = head;
         head = newPtr;
     {  ListNode *prev = find(index-1);
                 // insert new node after node
                 // to which prev points
                 newPtr->next = prev->next;
         prev->next = newPtr;
     }  // end if
           }  // end try
           catch (bad_alloc e)
     throw ListException(
         "ListException: memory allocation failed on insert");
           }  // end catch
       }  // end if
     }  // end insert
    void List::remove(int index) throw(ListIndexOutOfRangeException)
       ListNode *cur;
      if ( (index < 1) || (index > getLength(size)))
           throw ListIndexOutOfRangeException(
     "ListIndexOutOfRangeException: remove index out of range");
       {  --size;
           if (index == 1)
           {  // delete the first node from the list
             cur = head;  // save pointer to node
             head = head->next;
           {  ListNode *prev = find(index - 1);
             // delete the node after the node to which prev points
             cur = prev->next;  // save pointer to node
             prev->next = cur->next;
           }  // end if
          // return node to system
           cur->next = NULL;
           delete cur;
           cur = NULL;
       }  // end if
     }  // end remove
     void List::print_list()
        ListNode *cur; ListNode *reverse; 
        for(cur=head; cur!=NULL;cur=cur->next)
        cout<<"  "<<cur->item<<endl;  
     List::ListNode *List::print_list_reverse(ListNode *head)
          ListNode *cur;
          if(head->next==NULL)//if there is only one item...
           {cur=head;    //the curent pointer points on it and...
            cout<<" cur=head  "<<cur->item<<endl;  //the item is displayed
           else if(head->next!=NULL)  //otherwise if there are more than one item...
              cur=print_list_reverse(head->next); //current pointer gets the memory address the next item
              cout<<" cur=head! "<<head->item<<endl;  //display the current item
    List::ListNode *List::reverse_list(ListNode *head)
        ListNode *a=NULL;
        ListNode *b=NULL;
        ListNode *c=NULL;
        a=head, b=NULL;
          c=b, b=a, a=a->next;
    int main()
        List l;
        int index1=1;  int size1; int item;
        cout<<"how many items do you want to enter?"<<endl;
    if (size1>0)
           cout<<"now, enter your  item "<<endl;
           l.insert(index1, item);
        cout<<"display all items "<<endl;
           cout<<"good Bye!"<<endl;
       return 0; 
    Last edited by T4000; 10-26-2011 at 09:07 PM.

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