HI! I've recently been introduced to classes and have been just confused by the overall concept of the object oriented part of C++...

When it comes to classes, its not so much why we use them that confuses me, but -WHEN- to use them and -WHAT- to put in them.

question 1:

Should I always declare functions in the classes they're made for?

question 2:

What do I use the "main()" for, now that i've moved away from procedural programming?

Do I use main() as little as possible, and try to put everything in an appropriate class while keeping the main() as clean and neat as possible ? lets say, Im making a text rpg game with a long text intro, followed by a character creation menu that uses if else statements... would I store the intro in main(), then call to a separate class for the if else statement portion?

Im just so confused and would love if somebody could dumbify the concept of using main() along with classes and functions.