Thread: C++ Address database program help

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    C++ Address database program help

    I have a program here that I am getting errors on and need some guidance on what I need to fix. When I run the program the compiler will not let me append or show a record.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    void menu(void);
    void writeData(void);
    void readData(void);
    string * split(string, char);
    const char FileName[] = "c:/TestAddress.txt";
    int main ()
    	return 0;
    } //end main
    void menu(void)
    	char choice = ' ';
    	cout << "\nWhat Would You Like To Do With These Records: \n\n";
    	cout << "Append Records (A), Show Records (S), or Exit (E)\n"; 
    	 cin >> choice;
    	while(choice == 'A' || choice == 'S');
    			case 'a':
    			case 'A':
    			case 's':
    			case 'S':
    		cout << "What Else Would You Like To Do?\n";
    		cout << "Append Records (A), Show Records (S), or Exit (E)\n"; 
    		 cin >> choice;
    }//end menu
    void writeData(void)
    	char choice = ' ';
    	string name = "";
    	string street = "";
    	string city = "";
    	string state = "";
    	string zipCode = "";
    	ofstream outMyStream(FileName, ios::app);
    		cout << "\nEnter The Name: ";
    		getline(cin, name);
    		cout << "\nEnter The Street: ";
    		getline(cin, street);
    		cout << "\nEnter The City: "; 
    		getline(cin, city); 
    		cout << "\nEnter The State: "; 
    		getline(cin, state);
    		cout << "\nEnter The Zip Code: "; 
    		getline(cin, zipCode);
    		outMyStream << name << "," << street << "," << city << "," << state << "," << zipCode;
    		cout << "\nEnter another Record? (Y/N) ";
    		cin >> choice;
    	while (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'Y' ); 
    }//end write data
    void readData(void)
    	ifstream inMyStream (FileName);
    	string lineBuffer;
    	while (!inMyStream.eof() )
    		getline (inMyStream, lineBuffer, '\n');
    		string *theFields = split(lineBuffer, ',');
    		cout << "Name...... " << theFields[0] << endl;
    		cout << "Street.... " << theFields[1] << endl;
    		cout << "City...... " << theFields[2] << endl;
    		cout << "State..... " << theFields[3] << endl;
    		cout << "Zip code.. " << theFields[4] << endl;
    }//end read data
    string * split(string theLine, char theDeliminator)
    	//Break theline into fields and save the fields to an array.
    	//Each field will occupy one element in a character array.
    	//theLine is a string with fields separated with theDeliminator character.
    	//Assumes the last field in the string is terminated with a newline.
    	//Useage: string *theFields = split(lineBuffer, ',');
    	//determine how many splits there will be so we can size our array
    	int splitCount = 0;
    	for(int i = 0; i < theLine.size(); i++)
    		if (theLine[i] == theDeliminator)
    	splitCount++; //add one more to the count because there is not an ending comma
    	//create an array to hold the fields
    	string* theFieldArray;
    	theFieldArray = new string[splitCount];
    	//split the string into seperate fields
    	string theField = "";
    	int commaCount = 0;
    	for(int i = 0; i < theLine.size(); i++)//read each character and look for the deliminator
    		if(theLine[i] != theDeliminator) 
    			theField += theLine[i]; //build the field
    		else //the deliminator was hit so save to the field to the array
    			theFieldArray[commaCount] = theField; //save the field to the array
    			theField = "";
    	theFieldArray[commaCount] = theField; //the last field is not marked with a comma...
    	return theFieldArray;
    } //end split

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    > while(choice == 'A' || choice == 'S');
    Watch the ; at the end of the line very carefully.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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