Thread: Code Translation

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Exclamation Code Translation

    I desperately need advice on planning a program that performs Pascal-to-C++ code conversion. I'm including a sample Pascal program with its C++ equivalent. You don't need to know Pascal - if you can help me plan a program that'll be able to convert this sample code, I'll be more than satisfied.
    Leaving out the reading-from-file and writing-to-new-file parts of it, (just knowing that it'll convert line by line) how should the program be structured? (How should the conversion be divided, what should each division do?)

    I will be forever thankful to anyone who helps me with this program!


    Pascal code:
    program pas (input, output); 
    uses    crt;
            avg: real;
            count, sum, grd, n : integer;
            procedure readint (lo,hi : integer; var x: integer);
    	var       nothing : char;    {here for no reason}
                 while (x<lo) or (x>hi) do
                   writeln (x, ' is not an acceptable grade.');
                   write ('Enter a grade: ');
                   readln (x);
         write ('How many grades? ');
         readln (n);
         sum := 0;
         for count := 1 to n do
              write ('Enter a grade: ');
              readint (0,100,grd);
              sum := sum + grd;
         avg := sum / n;
         writeln ('The total is ',sum);
         writeln ('The average is ',avg:5:2);  {don't worry about the formatting yet}
    C++ equivalent:
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    void readint (double lo, double hi, double &x) {
    	char nothing; /* here for no reason */
    	cin >> x;
    	while ( (x<lo) || (x>hi) ) {
    		cout << x << " is not an acceptable grade." << endl;
    		cout << "Enter a grade: ";
    		cin >> x;
    void main () {
    	double avg;
    	int count;
    	double sum;
    	double grd;
    	int n;
    	clrscr ();
    	cout << "How many grades? ";
    	cin >> n;
    	cout << "\n";
    	sum = 0;
    	for (count=1; count<=n; count++) {
    		cout << "Enter a grade: ";
    		readint (0,100,grd);
    		sum = sum + grd;
    	avg = sum / n;
    	cout << "\n";
    	cout << "The total is " << sum << endl;
    	cout << "The average is " << avg << endl;  /*don't worry about the formatting yet*/
    Last edited by Linette; 03-29-2002 at 08:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Jan 2002
    by the way, indentation isn't an issue.. you may assume the pascal file isn't indented (so there's no space at the beginning of lines)..

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Wow, I can't believe I got so many replies!..

    Has anyone ever seen anything more pathetic than someone having gotten no replies to their post but from themselves?!..

    Please help!..

  4. #4
    Registered User C_Coder's Avatar
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    Wow, I can't believe I got so many replies!..
    Yeah, whats it like to be so popular
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Your conversion is not right.

    * In Pascal the variables after var are global variables. So in C++ the variables should also be global.

    * The variable type integer in Pascal is the type int in C++.

    * If I am correct then readkey has a C++ equivalent: getch.

    * Function main should be of type int and return an int.

    The structure seems ok to me.

  6. #6
    the hat of redundancy hat nvoigt's Avatar
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    This cannot be done in simple text substitution. Well, maybe it can be done this way. How complex should it be ? What is it for ? Does it have to translate this program only, or should it be a general translator ?

    You will need to get this as one long string and tokenize it. Make a linked list of words and put all the words of the pascal code in there. From there you can then start translating it.

    If it has to be more complicated, maybe books about building parsers and compilers might help.

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  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Thanks for pointing out all the things you found wrong!..
    I don't know how to declare variables for the main program in pascal other than the way I did it. (and that's fine by my teacher so it's ok).. As for getch(), thanks - I put return because I used to use readkey as just something to end functions/procedures with in pascal, and now in C++ I do that with return.. but I guess getch() would make more sense.. the integer thing was an honest mistake though, just pretend those variables are of type real in pascal (I changed them to double in C++ to avoid having to typecast, but then I forgot to change them in pascal, that's how this happened).. As for void main, I've had other people tell me to use int main (and return 0) too, but this way is fine, it works..
    So any suggestions on how to do the conversion after all?!..

    It should convert any program, but the level will be this, not more advanced. So it should handle a minimum of input, output, calculations, variable declarations, loops, and maybe (as an extension) procedures/functions.
    I originally thought to convert it line by line, but if you think making the whole thing one big string would be better then I'll do it that way.. So how do I tokenize it? What should I do first?

    Thanks for your replies.

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