ok so I have a program that is supposed to use arrays and this is the week we start learning arrays. The program is supposed to allow the user to input scores for a number of players up to 100 players and then it will post all scores as well as calculate averages and show who has a below average score. My issue is that for some reason I am not getting the multiple players to display nor will any of there scores and the calculateAverage function doesnt seem to be working. Here is the code I have:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

const int ARRAY_SIZE = 100;
void InputData(string playerNameAr[], int scoreAr[], int &numPlayersRef);
void DisplayPlayerData(const string playerNameAr[], const int scoreAr[], int numPlayers);
double CalculateAverageScore(const int scoreAr[], int numPlayers);
void DisplayBelowAverage(const string playerNameAr[], const int scoreAr[], int numPlayers, double averageScore);

void main()
	string playerNameAr[ARRAY_SIZE];
	int scoreAr[ARRAY_SIZE];
	int numPlayers = 0;
	int numPlayersRef = 0;
	double averageScore = 0;

	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
	InputData(playerNameAr, scoreAr, numPlayersRef);
	DisplayPlayerData(playerNameAr, scoreAr, numPlayers);
	CalculateAverageScore(scoreAr, numPlayers);
	DisplayBelowAverage(playerNameAr, scoreAr, numPlayers, averageScore);
void InputData(string playerNameAr[], int scoreAr[], int &numPlayersRef)
	while(numPlayersRef < ARRAY_SIZE)
		cout << "Please enter player's name (press Q to quit):  ";
		getline(cin, playerNameAr[numPlayersRef], '\n');
		cout << endl;
		if ((playerNameAr[numPlayersRef] == "Q") || (playerNameAr[numPlayersRef] == "q"))
		cout << "Please enter " << playerNameAr[numPlayersRef] << "'s score:  ";
		cin >> scoreAr[numPlayersRef];
		cout << endl;

void DisplayPlayerData(const string playerNameAr[], const int scoreAr[], int numPlayers)
	cout << setw(10) << left << "\n Name"
		<< setw(5) << right << "Score" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
		cout << setw(10) << left << playerNameAr[numPlayers] 
		<< setw(5) << right << scoreAr[numPlayers] << endl;

double CalculateAverageScore(const int scoreAr[], int numPlayers)
	int i;
	double averageScore = 0, totalScore;
	for (i = 0, totalScore = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
		totalScore += scoreAr[i];
	averageScore = totalScore/i;
	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
	cout << averageScore << endl << endl;
	return averageScore;
void DisplayBelowAverage(const string playerNameAr[], const int scoreAr[], int numPlayers, double averageScore)
	cout << "Players who scored below average\n";
	cout << setw (10) << left << "Name"
		<< setw(5) << right << "Score" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
		if(scoreAr[i] < averageScore)
			cout << setw (10) << left << playerNameAr[i]
		<< setw(5) << right << scoreAr[i] << endl;