I have done this code under here.
What is does is:
you write a sentence and it will count words, shortest word etc.

when i compile it goes fine, but when i run it it doesnt write aout any anserws.

help me!

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main () {

  int counter1 = 0;
  int counter2 = 0;
  int counter3 = 0;
  int length, largest, smallest, average=0;
  string word;
  char firstchar, lastchar, space;

  cout << "Enter your lines:" << endl;

  while (cin >> word) {
    length = word.length(); 
    firstchar = word[0];
    if (firstchar >= 'A' && firstchar <= 'Z') 
    if (counter1 == 1)  
      largest = smallest = length;
    else if (length > largest) 
      largest = length;
    else  if (length < smallest)
      smallest = length;
    lastchar = word[word.length()-1];
    if (lastchar == '!' || lastchar == '?' || lastchar == '.')
    average += length; 
  cout << "There were " << counter1 << " words entered" << endl;
  cout << "There were " << counter2 << " capital letters." << endl;   
  cout << "The longest string had " << largest << " letter(s)." << endl;
  cout << "The shortest string had " << smallest << " letter(s)." << endl; 
  cout << "There were " << counter3 << " sentences entered." << endl;
  cout << "The average word length is " << (average / counter1) << " characters." << endl;
return 0;