I am in my second level of C++ programming. This is the final assignment, and the first time the teacher has made us write a driver.

I have it written(I think). I'd like if someone could take a look. I'll post the program instructions so you know what I am trying to do, as well as the code I have written.

**Yes, I read the homework policy and faq. I don't want anyone to do it for me, just some help, that's all.

Instructions: Program 4: Real Estate Program
You are to create a Real Estate Management Program. The program should allow you to create a list of Commercial or Residential properties, delete properties from the list, print the list to the screen, or save the list to a file. The user should be allowed to run the program until they decide to quit. To implement this program you will need to first implement 3 classes:

member variables:
	    PropertyNumber – a unique 7 digit number to reference the property  
	    Address – street address
	    City, State, ZIPCode
    Stories - number of stories 
	    Condition  - condition of the property (1 - Excellent, 2 - Fair, 3 – Poor)
	    YearBuilt – the year the property was built
	    double MarketValue – the current market value of the property ($)
	    type - 1 for residential, 2 for commercial. No setter needed
member functions:
	Constructors – Optional 
	getters and setters for member variables
	 print() – this function should be overridden by the child classes but can be implemented to avoid redundancy
	 double calculatePropertyTaxes() – this function should be overridden by the child classes for now just return 0
	 double calculateRent() – this function should be overridden by the Commercial class for now just return 0
ResidentialProperty inherits from Property
member variables:
Style - Single-family,  Multi-Unit, SemiDetached, Portable-Dwelling, etc
Bedrooms – number of bedrooms
Bathrooms – number of bathrooms (can have half baths)

member function:
Constructors – Optional. I used it to set the type to its proper value
getters and setters for member variables
print() – override this function to print common and specific info
double calculatePropertyTaxes() – override this function (property taxes for residential property is 5% of market value)
CommercialProperty inherits from Property
Member variables
MaxOccupancy - maximum number ppl that can be in the building
BuildingSize - square footage
RentPerSqFt;  - Rent per sq ft

Member functions:
Constructors – Optional. I used it to set the type to its proper value
getters and setters for member variables
print() – override this function to print common and specific info
double calculatePropertyTaxes() – override this function (property taxes for residential property is 15% of market value)
double calculateRent() – this function uses the building size and the rent per sq. ft to calculate total rent
driver I wrote:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "property.h"
#include "commercialproperty.h"
#include "residentialproperty.h"
using namespace std;

int main()

    int Choice,Select, PropertyNumber, YearBuilt, ZipCode, Bedrooms,Type, Stories, MaxOccupancy, 
    double RentPerSquareFoot, Bathrooms
    string Style, StreetAddress, City, State, listing briefs
		cout <<"- Real Estate Program -\n\n"
		     <<" 1.Enter new listing\n"
		     <<" 2.Print listing\n"
		     <<" 3.Delete listing\n"
		     <<" 4.Save listing briefs to file \n\n"
		     <<"Enter Selection: ";
		     cin>> choice;
                 case 1: 
                           cout<< "Select 1 for Residential or 2 for Commercial\n";
                           cin>> select;
                           If (select == 1);
                              cout<< "What is the style?\n?";
                              cin>> style;
                              cout<< "What is the Property Number?\n";
                              cin>> PropertyNumber;
                              cout<< "What is the Street Address?\n";
                              getline(cin, StreetAddress);
                              cout<< "What City is it in?\n"
                              getline(cin, City);
                              cout<< "What state is it in?\n";
                              getline(cin, State);
                              cout<< "What is the zip code of the property\n?";
                              cout<< "How many Bedrooms does the property have?\n";
                              cin>> Bedrooms;
                              cout<< "How many bathrooms does the property have?\n?";
                              cout<< "How many stories is the property?\n?";
                              cin>> Stories;
                              cout<< "What condition is the property in?\n" ;
                              cin>> Condition;
                              cout>> "What year was the property built?\n"
                              cin<< YearBuilt;
                              cout<< "What is the Market Value of the property?\n";
                              cin>> MarketValue;
                 case 2: cout<< "Please input the property number you would like to list.\n";
                         cin>> PropertyNumber;
                 case 3:cout<< "Please input the property number of the listiing you would like to delete.\n"
                        cin>> PropertyNumber;
                 case 4:cout<< "What listing briefs would you like to save?\n"
                        cin>> listing briefs;
	while(cont == 'y' || cont == 'Y');
		cout <<"Enter (C) to continue or (Q) to quit. ";
		cin >> cont;
	while(cont == 'y' || cont == 'Y');
	return 0;
Property class provided, not to be changed:

#ifndef PROPERTY_H
#define PROPERTY_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Property
	//member variables:
		int PropertyNumber; //a unique 7 digit number to reference the property  
	    string Address; //street address
	    string City, State, ZIPCode;
		int Stories; //number of stories 
	    int Condition ;// condition of the property (1 - Excellent, 2 - Fair, 3 ? Poor)
	    int YearBuilt; //the year the property was built
	    double MarketValue; // the current market value of the property ($)
	    int type; //1 for residential, 2 for commercial. No setter needed
	//member functions:
		//Constructors ? Optional 
		Property(int pN, string add, string cty, string st, string z,
			int str, int c, int y, double mv, int t)
			PropertyNumber = pN;
			Address = add;
			City = cty;
			State = st; 
			ZIPCode = z;
			Stories = str; //number of stories 
			Condition = c;// condition of the property (1 - Excellent, 2 - Fair, 3 ? Poor)
			YearBuilt = y; //the year the property was built
			MarketValue = mv; // the current market value of the property ($)
			type = t; //1 for residential, 2 for commercial. No setter needed
	//getters and setters for member variables
		int getPropertyNumber(){return PropertyNumber;} //a unique 7 digit number to reference the property  
	    string getAddress(){return Address;} //street address
	    string getCity(){return City;}
		string getState(){return State;} 
		string getZIPCode(){return ZIPCode;}
		int getStories(){return Stories;} //number of stories 
	    int getCondition(){return Condition;}// condition of the property (1 - Excellent, 2 - Fair, 3 ? Poor)
	    int getYearBuilt(){return YearBuilt;} //the year the property was built
	    double getMarketValue(){return MarketValue;} // the current market value of the property ($)
	    int gettype(){return type;}
		virtual void print(){} //? this function should be overridden by the child classes but can be implemented to avoid redundancy
		virtual double calculatePropertyTaxes() {return 0;} // this function should be overridden by the child classes for now just return 
		virtual double calculateRent(){return 0;} // this function should be overridden by the Commercial class for now just return 0