I'm working on this program which finds the letter grade and marital status of a student..the problem is outputting the Letter Grade and Marital Status.. they come out wrong. what am I doing wrong here?

#define CB cin.ignore(cin.rdbuf()->in_avail())
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

{ int TestScore, Grade; char Name[15], MarStat;

while(TestScore != -1)
cout<<"\n Enter a Student's Name: "; cin.getline(Name,15);CB;
cout<<" Enter Student's Test Score: "; cin>>TestScore;CB;

{case 1:"<=100 && >=90";
Grade=(char)'A' ; break;
case 2:"<90 && >=80";
Grade=(char)'B' ; break;
case 3:"<80 && >=70";
Grade=(char)'C' ; break;
case 4:"<70 && >=60";
Grade=(char)'D' ; break;
case 5:"<60 && >=0";
Grade=(char)'F' ; break;
Grade=(char)"Invalid Grade"; break;}

cout<<" Enter Student's Marital Status: "; cin>>MarStat;CB;

{ case 'M': case 'm':
MarStat=(char)" Married "; break;
case 'S': case 's':
MarStat=(char)" Single "; break;
case 'D': case 'd':
MarStat=(char)" Divorced ";break;
case 'W': case 'w':
MarStat=(char)" Widowed "; break;}

cout<<"\n The Name of the Student: "<<Name;
cout<<"\n The Marital Status of the Student: "<<MarStat;
cout<<"\n The Test Score of the student: "<<TestScore;
cout<<"\n The Letter Grade of the student: "<<Grade;
return 0;