I am attempting to allow the user of my program to be able supply an keyboard input while a for loop is looping. The input is going to be used to stop the for loop.

Here is the loop:

       case 1: for (int key = 0; key == 0; key+0)
                    hunger = hunger + 10;

                    if (hunger >= 60 && hunger <= 80)
                        health = health - 10;

                        else if (hunger >= 80 && hunger <= 180)
                             health = health -10;

                             cout << "::Pet's Stats::\n\n\n"
                                  << "Health: " << health << "\n"
                                  << "Hunger: " << hunger << "\n\n\n"
                                  << "Press 1 and enter to get back to the pet care menu!\n\n";

                                  Sleep (5000);

                             cin  >> key;

It would also be good if I could allow the user to push any key to exit the loop, but I am unsure how to go about this.
