Thread: link list build: memory access denied

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    May 2011

    link list build: memory access denied

    hi guys. I created a simple code to build linked list.
    following are the various files

    Header file
    class ListBuild
    	struct node {
    		         int d;
    			 node * next;  // next pointer
    	typedef node * list;  // list == node*
    	list head ,tail,prev;           // pointer to head and tail static member
        static int sz;              // current size of list,static member
    	ListBuild () ;                    // default constructor 
    	ListBuild (const ListBuild & Lst);   // copy constructor
    	~ListBuild() ;                   // default destructor 
    	int findlength()const;        // find size
    	void insert(int newitem);    // add node
    	void findpr()const;           // previous pointer that tail
    	void remove();  // remove node
            void print();      // print list
    Implementation file
    #include <iostream>
    #include "Link_list_build.h"
    using namespace std;
    int ListBuild::sz=0;
    ListBuild ::ListBuild()                    // default constructor 
    head=0;                           //Null pointer
    ListBuild ::ListBuild(const ListBuild& lst)   // copy constructor
    ListBuild ::~ListBuild()            // default destructor 
    remove() ;               // call func to remove node memory
    int ListBuild::findlength()const      // determine current size of list
    	return sz;
      void ListBuild ::insert(int newitem)   // add item at start or inbetween
    	//int newlngth= findlength()+1;
    	 // creates new node structure and returns pointer to it
    		 list newnode = new node ; 
    		 if( newnode ==NULL)
    			 cout<< " could not allocate memory";
    			 sz= findlength();
    			 newnode->d = newitem;
    			 if (sz==0) // allocate first node
    				 head= newnode;
    			 else          // allocate rest nodes
    				  tail->next = newnode;
    		 }  // end of if( newnode ==NULL)
      void ListBuild::findpr()const
           if (sz==0)
    	   cout<< "already empty list"<<endl;
    	   else if(sz==1)
    	     {   }  // do nothing
    	     list prev = head;
    	     for (int i=0;i<sz-1;i++)
                            prev= prev->next;
    void ListBuild ::remove()        // remove item
    		   	 if (sz==0)
    			 cout<< "already empty list"<<endl;
    			 else if (sz==1) // delete first node
    				 delete tail;
    			 else          // delete rest nodes
    			        list curr;
    				curr= prev->next; // now points to node be deleted
    				prev->next = curr->next;
    				delete curr;
    void ListBuild ::print()  
    	  list temp=NULL;
    	   temp=head;  // dont want to change head pointer, so create another temp                              //pointer
    	   for (int i=0;i<sz;i++)
    		   cout<< temp->d<<'\t';
    and the user file

    #include <iostream>
    #include "Link_list_build.h"
    using namespace std;
    int main()
      ListBuild a,b,c ;
      a.insert(10); // insert at start
      b.insert(20);  // insert at end and build list

    the code compiles and allocates first node. but, as i pass second node data, it reaces
    tail->next = newnode;
    within "insert" function and gives memory access violation.
    any ideas why? I do not see why it should.

    I also had other question,while copying code here, how do i copy line numbers ?

  2. #2
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Since sz is static, you only get one size, ever, despite the number of lists you create.

    This is silly.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    May 2011
    sz is for updating the number of nodes ,not the number of lists. so if i create node each time, each node or object would share updated size as static. is it not the way it should work?
    and does this cause the pointer acess problem?

  4. #4
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    That is so amazingly not the way it should work, no. Each list needs to know its own size, so that you can actually build the list. Look what happens when you try to build list b: sz is already 1, hence the if sz==0 is not true, which means you never set head and you try to use tail even though b doesn't have a tail, yet.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    i think I am getting confused. Here, I am trying to build just one list with three elements, 10,20 30 which are passed through objects a,b,c. so, when sz is 1, I am adding element to first element of the same list, not creating a new list from start. is it not the way it I should build a single list?
    This has worked for me in C, but I am learning C++, so I might be implementing it wrong.

  6. #6
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    That's not how you did/do it in C either. You might have three nodes, but not three separate lists. (And even in C you probably didn't.)

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