I know this may have been asked or spoken about in the past, but i have a serious issue with C. In high school, i took programming and learned pascal, but that was a while ago. A couple years ago i learned C++ and i learned a few things but not a lot. Right now i'm taking C in college and i find it to be extremely hard or at least that's how my professor is making it. Once i get my EE degree i would like to work on my own projects besides what i would be doing at work and possibly even invent something, but i feel hindered because of the difficulty of C. And it's not that i can't program, but the programs we're assigned seem so useless and overly complicated. Once i get out of this class, which is the worst ........ ever, i want to learn another language at my own pace and doing things that are useful. Any advice on what i should learn? something that is applied in EE and can do as much as C without the uber complicartions? i feel my confidence has goone down because of this class lol i'm not even joking i feel like i'm gonna be a lousy EE if i dont master it but i know i won't so i need another solution. I woul appreciate advice from people that are actually EE and know about the matter, thank you.