Quote Originally Posted by jason96
stop wasting ur time doing it manually what this guy is saying
for current or further problems with this i suggest u use this tool
ScriptRunner Application it will solve all ur problem. here is the link
check out and u don't have to get same and different problem
again. this tool will run ur script 4 u.
Quote Originally Posted by jason96
buddy stop wasting her/his time with manual debugging buddy we are living
in 21 century for god sake we use tools and other software not what ur suggesting to him/her.
Sorry, but that is rubbish. Looking at the description you linked to, the tool that you suggested is meant for testing the functionality of a Windows GUI application through its user interface. If you actually even glanced through the code that boyhailong posted, you would see that it is not immediately applicable here.

Furthermore, even if it were immediately applicable, it is a gross exaggeration to say that "it will solve all ur problem". Rather, it might help someone to test and find problems, but ultimately the problems must still be solved. iMalc's suggestion comes much closer to problem solving than your tool suggestion.