
I'm trying to learn to find the product of two matrices using arrays. Please help me. I'm really stuck. And please don't introduce those topics which I won't be able to understand (I'm a beginner). In other words, please keep it simple. Thanks.

// product_of_two_matrices_1x3_and_3x1.cpp
// read two matrices and find product

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()
        float m1[1][3];
        float m2[3][1];
        float m3[1][3];
        int r, c;

        cout << "Enter matrix #1 below\n\n";

        for ( r=0; r<1; r++)
                for (c=0; c<3 ; c++)
                        cout << "enter entry for row #" << (r+1) << " and column"
                             << " #" << (c+1) << ": ";
                        cin >> m1[r][c];

        cout << "\n\nEnter matrix #2 below\n\n";

        for ( r=0; r<3; r++)
                for (c=0; c<1; c++)
                        cout << "enter entry for row #" << (r+1) << " and column"
                             << " #" << (c+1) << ": ";
                        cin >> m2[r][c];

        cout << "\n\nproduct of matrix #1 and matrix #2 is given below\n\n";

        //How do I find product of the matrices?

        return 0;
