
As much as I know recursive programming is dangerous and possibly not scalable, I don't have much of a choice here.

To put it simply, I have a tree of elements that represent a hierarchy of components (FlowVR application), and my function, for every node, outputs a subgraph to a Graphviz DOT text file. Every node can contain subgraphs.

Since I have some understanding of how the stack works, most of my variables are dynamically allocated to the heap. As a result I only have pointers and a few strings with tops 50 chars as local variables.

Here's the recursive function's header:
void renderNode(Component* node, ofstream& Fdot, int depth, Viewer* v)

If I get it right, I'm only storing 3 bytes and an int in the callstack for every call.

Here's the code. I am sorry, it is a bit beefy and perhaps "light" isn't deserved ^^.
I have highlighted the recursive call.
The code following the call shouldn't be related to my problem, but I've left it just in case.

Here's the catch: this function stack overflows after only 1 to 3 recursive calls.
And I have no bloody idea as to why.

So my question essentially is...
Where could such a problem come from? What could be causing it that I should investigate?

Thanks a lot for your help,

void renderNode(Component* node, ofstream& Fdot, int depth, Viewer* v) {
	// render a node and call recursively on children
	 * Symbols
	 * -------
	 *  ## C ## : Compute
	 *  	The code following this symbol performs computation.
	 *  	It could produce a formatted cluster label for instance.
	 *	## W ## : Write
	 *		Following code will write to a target file.

	// Is the component a composite?
	if (!node->children.empty()) {
		// {component is a composite}
		v->displayInfo("Component is a composite");
		// 1) Begin cluster
		Fdot << genIndent(depth) << " subgraph cluster_" << sanitize(node->id) << " {\n";
		// 2) Generate a reasonably sized cluster label

		// You can only see as far as the parent, provided there is one.
		// Pick a filling color for the cluster.
		// Write your results.

		// ##..C ##

		string clusterLabel;
		if (node->parent == NULL || node->parent->parent == NULL)
			// If we're looking at the root node => get the raw id
			// If we're looking at a level 1 node, get the raw id too
			clusterLabel = node->id;

		else {
			// There is a parent, and the parent isn't root.
			// This means we have at least two delimiters in our id.
			const string id = node->id;
			// pos is the boundary between our component and it's parent
			int pos = id.find_last_of('/');

			// Get a substring and find out where the second boundary is.
			// Truncate at second delimiter.
			string subStr = id.substr(0, pos-1);
			int pos2 = subStr.find_last_of('/');

			clusterLabel = id.substr(pos2 +1);
		// {clusterLabel is fit for duty and not sanitized, as it isn't a dot ID}

		// ## W ## Cluster label and fillcolor

		v->displayInfo("About to write to file");
		Fdot << genIndent(depth+1) << " label=\"" << clusterLabel << "\";\n";
		Fdot << genIndent(depth+1) << " fillcolor=\"#" << selectClusterFillColor(depth) << "\";\n";
		v->displayInfo("About to render children nodes");
		// 3) Render children nodes
		for (std::list<Component*>::iterator c = node->children.begin();
				c != node->children.end();
					c++) {
			v->displayInfo("From composite -> renderNode");


			renderNode((*c), Fdot, depth+1, v);


		// 4) Render ports

		// ##..W ## Input
		Fdot << genIndent(depth+1) << " subgraph " << sanitize(node->id) << "_inputPorts_ {\n";
		Fdot << genIndent(depth+2) << " label=\"\"\n";
		Fdot << genIndent(depth+2) << " rank=same\n";

		// Browse through all the ports
		for (std::list<Port*>::iterator p = node->ports.begin();
				p != node->ports.end();
					p++) {
			if ((*p)->type == "INPUT") {
				// We've found an input port
				Fdot << genIndent(depth+2) << " " << sanitize(node->id) << "  " << (*p)->id
						<< " [ label=\"" << (*p)->id << "\", shape=square, style=filled, fillcolor=" << determinePortColor(*p) << " ];\n";
		}//{input ports rendered}

		Fdot << genIndent(depth + 1) << " }\n";

		// ##..W ##..Output
		Fdot << genIndent(depth + 1) << " subgraph " << sanitize(node->id) << "_outputPorts_ {\n";
		Fdot << genIndent(depth + 2) << " label=\"\"\n";
		Fdot << genIndent(depth + 2) << " rank=same\n";

		// Browse through all the ports
		for (std::list<Port*>::iterator p = node->ports.begin(); p
				!= node->ports.end(); p++) {
			if ((*p)->type == "OUTPUT") {
				// We've found an output port
				Fdot << genIndent(depth + 2) << " " << sanitize(node->id)
						<< "  " << (*p)->id << " [ label=\"" << (*p)->id
						<< "\", shape=square, style=filled, fillcolor="
						<< determinePortColor(*p) << " ];\n";
		}//{output ports rendered}

		Fdot << genIndent(depth + 1) << " }\n";

		// 5) Links

		// If you're reaching a primitive's port, the separator you have to use is ':'
		// On the other hand, if you're reaching a composite's port, the separator is '__'
		// Be careful, as those are _two_ underscores.

		// This naming convention for composite ports gets rid of a major conflict and introduces a smaller one instead.
		// Thanks to this addition, you can have a port "A" and a component "A" living in the same composite.
		// But you can't have a port "A" and a component "_A" in the same composite, as those will collide.
		// You can have a port "_A" and a component "A" though.

		// This should not happen, but you never know.
		// The easy way to tackle this is to forbid component names to begin with an underscore.

		// If you are willing to change this naming convention,
		// be well aware that only alphanumerical characters and underscores are allowed in a DOT ID.

		// ##..C ##..\AND/ ##..W ## mixed

		// Process every link
		for (std::list<LinkBetweenComponents*>::iterator l = node->links.begin();
				l != node->links.end();
					l++) {

			// Let's find source
			if ((*l)->source == node->id) {
				// source is the working node

				// ## W ##

				Fdot << genIndent(depth+1) << " " << sanitize((*l)->source) << "__" << (*l)->outport << " ->";
				// {we're done with the source}

			} else {
				// source is not the working node
				// Browse through children components to find it
				for (std::list<Component*>::iterator c = node->children.begin();
						c != node->children.end();
							c++) {
					if ((*c)->id == (*l)->source) {
						// We have found the source node
						if (!(*c)->children.empty()) {
							// Source node is a composite

							// ## W ##

							Fdot << genIndent(depth+1) << " " << sanitize((*l)->source) << "__" << (*l)->outport << " ->";
						} else {
							// Source node is a primitive

							// ## W ##

							Fdot << genIndent(depth+1) << " " << sanitize((*l)->source) << ":" << (*l)->outport << " ->";
						// {we're done with the source}
			// {source part of the link written}

			// Let's find dest
			if ((*l)->dest == node->id) {
				// dest is the working node

				// ## W ##

				Fdot << sanitize((*l)->dest) << "__" << (*l)->inport << "\n";
				// {we're done with the dest}

			} else {
				// dest is not the working node
				// Browse through children components to find it
				for (std::list<Component*>::iterator c = node->children.begin(); c
						!= node->children.end(); c++) {

					if ((*c)->id == (*l)->dest) {
						// We have found the dest node
						if (!(*c)->children.empty()) {
							// Dest node is a composite

							// ## W ##

							Fdot << sanitize((*l)->dest) << "__" << (*l)->inport << "\n";
						} else {
							// Dest node is a primitive

							// ## W ##

							Fdot << sanitize((*l)->dest) << ":" << (*l)->inport << "\n";
						// {we're done with the dest}
			// {dest part of the link written}
			// {link written}

		}// {all links are processed}

		Fdot << genIndent(depth) << " }\n";
		// #end cluster
		v->displayInfo("End of composite");
	else if (node->type == "connection") {
		Fdot << genIndent(depth) << " " << sanitize(node->id) << " [ shape=" << shapeToUse(node->type) << ", label=\"" << generateLabel(node) << "\" ];\n";
	} else {
		// {component is a primitive}
		Fdot << genIndent(depth) << " " << sanitize(node->id) << " [ shape=" << shapeToUse(node->type) << ", style=" << selectStyle(node) << ", fillcolor=" << selectFillColor(node) << ", label=\"" << generateLabel(node) << "\" ];\n";