Im have trouble with creating classes. I got the private part down packed but the public part is where I have a little trouble. In my program my professor wants me to do a program on amicable pairs. I have the equations I want just that Im missin a declaration which I have no idea what that means. Here's my code so far:
using namespace std;

class Apair
	int A;
	int T;
	int S;
	int B;
	int F;
	int D;
		A = 220;
	while(A <= 7000){
		S = 0;
		D = 1;
		D = A/2;
		if(A % D = 0){
			S = S+ D;
		if(S > A){
			B = S;
			T = 0;
			for(F = 1)
				if(B % F = 0){
					T = T+ F;
				if(T = A){
					cout << &A& " and " &B& "are an amicable pair" << endl;
				A = A + 1;