
If I include the call function system("color 1a") changes the console's background color and text color. But I was the bold part to appear in different color, let's say, green? How do I change the color of some particular line or part in the program? I'm using Windows XP so you can tell me something Windows specific; it will do the job. Thanks your help and time. And please don't forget I'm a newbie to programming.

// program to calculate area of a circle

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

int main()

    system("color 1a")
    float R, A, C;
    cout << "Enter the radius R = ";
    cin >> R;
    A = 3.142*R*R;
    C = 2*3.142*R;
    if (R >= 0)
       cout << "Area = " << A << endl;
       cout << "Circumference = " << C << endl;
        cout << "Invalid R" << endl;
    system ("PAUSE");