I have an assignment for C++ beginners class. It specifies that my program must read in the names of .txt file. The program is called BabyNames and upon prompting the user to enter a name, it will take in the name, compare it to the .txt file and either find a match among the boy and girl names (or both). If it finds a match it should output the rank of the name. it should also indicate if there is no match. the .txt file looks like this....
1 Jacob Emily
2 Michael Emma
3 Joshua Madison
4 Matthew Olivia
5 Ethan Hannah
and so on and so forth for 1,000 total lines.
Im using visual studio 2010 as my compiler, and here is what I have so far. Need help.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib> 

int main ( )
 using namespace std; 

 string inputName, boyName, girlName;
 ifstream babyFile;
 int rank;
 char another = 'y';
 while (another =='y')
  // verify that it opened
  if (babyFile.fail( ))
   cout << "Can't open babynames2004.txt\n";

  cout << "Enter the name to search for: ";
  cin >> inputName; 

  while (babyFile >> rank)
   babyFile >> boyName;
   babyFile >> girlName;
   if (inputName == boyName)
    cout << inputName << " is ranked "
     << rank << " in popularity among boys.\n";
  cout << "Try another name? ";
  cin >> another;
 return 0;