Hi all,

I am writing a simple little shooter game (similar to asteroids). I am currently working on the upgrades for my space ship and one of these is a laser. I ave successfully implemented a laser which works nicely. However, the collision detection has not been working.

Below is the code:

Initialized as

GameObject *laser;
InitD3DX::d3dspt->Draw(laser->sprite, NULL, laser->centre, laser->position, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255,255,255));
	if (myXBox360Controller->IsButtonPressed(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X)&& saucer->alive)
	this->laser->position->x = saucer->position->x + saucer->spriteWidth - 8;
	this->laser->position->y = saucer->position->y + saucer->spriteHeight/2;
		this->laser->position->x = 2000; 
		this->laser->position->y = 2000;
			for (std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator it = myEnemys.begin(); it!=myEnemys.end(); it++)
			object1 = *it;
			// If enemy is hit register hit and play sound.
			if (this->laser->CollisionDetection(this->laser,object1) && this->laser->alive && object1->alive)
				object1->alive = false;
				object1->count = 0;
The laser displays but the the enemy ships do not get destroyed when the laser touches them. I get no error messages and am sure I am close but it just doesn't want to work! object1 should refer to the enemy ships as this code is the collision detection for the torpedoes hitting the enemy ships.

Any ideas? Thanks
