I just could not figure out what is wrong with this programmed. I have tried as much as I could to make it work. But, it does not seem to be working. So, I would greatly appreciate it if anybody could give me some help to make this programme work. Anyway here is the code for the programme:


        #include <iostream>
        #include <string> 
        #include <vector>
        #include <fstream>
        using namespace std;
        class PollenAirQuality
        PollenAirQuality() {PollenCount= AirIndex= 0; }
        void SetPollenCount(double Count) { PollenCount = Count; }
        double GetPollenCount() { return PollenCount;
        void SetAirIndex(double Index) { AirIndex = Index; }
        double GetAirIndex() {return AirIndex; }
        double PollenCount;
        double AirIndex;
        class WeatherStation : public PollenAirQuality
        void SetDesignation(string ID) { StationDesignation = ID; }
        void SetAgent(string Agent) { StationAgent = Agent; }
        void SetTemperature(double Degree) { Temperature = Degree; }
        double Convert(double DegreeF);
        string GetDesignation() { return StationDesignation; }
        string GetAgent() { return StationAgent; }
        double GetTemperature() { return Temperature; }
        string StationDesignation;
        string StationAgent; 
        double Temperature; 
        StationDesignation = "";
        StationAgent = "";
        Temperature = 0;
        double WeatherStation::Convert(double degreeF)
        double degreeC;
        // convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
        degreeC = ((degreeF - 32) * 5) / 9;
        return degreeC;
        class VectorList
        vector<WeatherStation> List;
        vector<WeatherStation>::iterator ILister;
        string FileName;
        VectorList() { FileName = "Temp"; }
        VectorList(string FName) { FileName = FName; }
        void AddStations();
        void PostStationInfo();
        void DailyReport();
        void HighLowReport();
        void PollenCount();
        void AirQualityIndex();
        double GetMaxF();
        double GetMinF();
        double GetAvgF();
        void SetFileName(string FName) { FileName = FName; }
        void WriteToFile();
        void ReadFromFile();
        void VectorList::AddStations()
        WeatherStation Station;
        string Designation, Agent;
        cout << "Enter Station Information Below, Stop To Quit\n";
        for (;;)
        cout << "\n-------------------------------\n";
        cout << "Enter Weather Station Designation: ";
        getline (cin, Designation);
        if (Designation == "Stop")
        Station.SetDesignation( Designation );
        cout << "\nEnter Contact Person: ";
        getline (cin, Agent);
        if (Agent == "Stop")
        Station.SetAgent( Agent );
        cout << "\n-------------------------------\n";
        void VectorList::PostStationInfo()
        double Degree, Count, Index;
        cout << "Enter reported temperatures: (in Fahrenheit) \n\n";
        for (ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        cout << ILister->GetDesignation() << ":\n";
        cout << ILister->GetAgent();
        cout << "\nEnter Temperature:\t";
        cin >> Degree;
        ILister->SetTemperature( Degree );
        cout << "\n\tPollen Count:\t";
        cin >> Count;
        ILister->SetPollenCount( Count );
        cout << "\n\tAir Quality Index:\t";
        cin >> Index;
        ILister->SetAirIndex( Index );
        cin.ignore(100, '\n');
        void VectorList::DailyReport()
        cout << " NGS Daily Temperature Report \n";
        cout << "===========================================================\n";
        cout << "\t\t Fahrenheit(°F) \t Celsius (°C)";
        for (ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
        cout << (*ILister).GetDesignation() << "\t\t ";
        cout << (*ILister).GetTemperature() << "\t\t\t" 
        << (*ILister).Convert( (*ILister).GetTemperature() );
        cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------";
        cout << "\nMean Temperature: \t " << GetAvgF() // The first problem is here
        << "\t\t\t" << (*ILister).Convert(GetAvgF() );
        cout << "\n===========================================================\n\n";
        void VectorList::HighLowReport()
        cout << " NGS High-Low Report ";
        cout << "\n==========================================================";
        cout << "\n\t\t Fahrenheit(°F) \t Celsius (°C)";
        cout << "\n----------------------------------------------------------";
        cout << "\nLowest Temperature:\t " << GetMinF() //Second problem
        << "\t\t\t" << (*ILister).Convert( GetMinF() );
        cout << "\n----------------------------------------------------------";
        cout << "\nHighest Temperature:\t " << GetMaxF() //Third problem
        << "\t\t\t" << (*ILister).Convert( GetMaxF() );
        cout << "\n----------------------------------------------------------";
        cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
        void VectorList::PollenCount()
        cout << " NGS Daily Pollen Report\n";
        cout << "==================================\n";
        for (ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        cout << ILister->GetDesignation() << ":\t\t" << ILister->GetPollenCount() << "\n";
        cout << "==================================\n\n";
        void VectorList:: AirQualityIndex()
        cout << " NGS Air Quality Index  Report\n";
        cout << "==================================\n";
        for (ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        cout << ILister->GetDesignation() << ":\t\t" << ILister->GetAirIndex() << "\n";
        cout << "==================================\n\n";
        double VectorList::GetMaxF()
        double maxF;
        maxF = ILister->GetTemperature();
        for (ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        // find the highest temperture in Fahrenheit
        if ( (*ILister).GetTemperature() > maxF)
        maxF = (*ILister).GetTemperature();
        return maxF;
        double VectorList::GetMinF()
        double minF;
        minF = ILister->GetTemperature();
        for (ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        // find the lowest temperture in Fahrenheit
        if ( (*ILister).GetTemperature() > minF)
        minF = (*ILister).GetTemperature();
        return minF;
        double VectorList::GetAvgF()
        double Total = 0, Mean;
        for (ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        Total += ILister->GetTemperature();
        Mean = Total / List.size();
        return Mean;
        void VectorList::WriteToFile() 
        fstream OutFile(FileName.c_str(), ios::out);
        for ( ILister = List.begin(); ILister < List.end(); ILister++)
        OutFile << ILister->GetDesignation() << endl;
        OutFile << ILister->GetAgent() << endl;
        OutFile << ILister->GetTemperature() << endl;
        OutFile << ILister->GetPollenCount() << endl;
        OutFile << ILister->GetAirIndex() << endl;
        void VectorList::ReadFromFile()
        fstream InFile(FileName.c_str(), ios::in);
        string Designation, Agent;
        double Temperature, Count, Index;
        WeatherStation Temp;
        getline(InFile, Designation); 
        getline(InFile, Agent);
        InFile >> Temperature;
        InFile >> Count;
        InFile >> Index;
        InFile.ignore(100, '\n'); 
        Temp.SetDesignation( Designation );
        Temp.SetAgent( Agent );
        Temp.SetTemperature( Temperature );
        Temp.SetPollenCount( Count );
        Temp.SetAirIndex( Index );
        void Menu();
        int main()
        int I = 0; 
        VectorList Station;
        string Command;
        cout << "Enter Command: ";
        getline (cin, Command);
        cout << "\n\n";
        if (Command == "Add Stations")
        I = 1;
        if (Command == "Post Station Info" && I == 1)
        I = 2; 
        if (Command == "Quit")
        if ( I == 1 )
        cout << "\nPlease Post Station Info\n";
        if (Command == "Daily Report" && I == 2)
        if (Command == "High-Low Report" && I == 2)
        if (Command == "Daily Pollen Count" && I == 2)
        if (Command == "Daily Air Quality Index" && I == 2)
        if (Command == "Change File Name")
        string FName;
        cout << "Enter File Name: ";
        getline(cin, FName);
        cout << "File Name is Changed";
        if (Command == "Save To File")
        cout << "File is saved\n";
        if (Command == "Read From File")
        I = 2;
        cout << "Opened Saved File\n";
        void Menu()
        cout << "\nChoices:";
        cout << "\n---------------------------";
        cout << "\n Add Stations";
        cout << "\n Post Station Info";
        cout << "\n Daily Report";
        cout << "\n High-Low Report";
        cout << "\n Daily Pollen Count";
        cout << "\n Daily Air Quality Index";
        cout << "\n Change File Name";
        cout << "\n Save To File";
        cout << "\n Read From File";
        cout << "\n Quit";
        cout << "\n---------------------------\n";

so, when I try to compile the programme, the compiler shows me a number of errors. And, among all the errors the first error it shows is in the line 27; the error says " invalid use of undefined type `class PollenAirQuality' ". And, I am not sure but I think that all other errors are the result of this error. Anyway, I hope that somebody will give me some suggesstions to fix the problem.