I have this program I am doing for a class and I keep on getting the same error on the way my functions are being called.

45 C:\Dev-Cpp\ no matching function for call to `circus::getanimal()'
note C:\Dev-Cpp\:15 candidates are: void circus::getanimal(std::string, std::string, int)
46 C:\Dev-Cpp\ no matching function for call to `tiger::getstripes()'
note C:\Dev-Cpp\REDOCIRCUS.cpp:26 candidates are: void tiger::getstripes(std::string, int)

and so on..

any help would be greatly appreciated

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class circus 
              string animaltype;
              string animalname;
              int age;
              int dailyfood;
              void getanimal(string animalname, string animaltype,int animalage);
              void getfood();
class tiger : public circus
             int stripes;
             int toothlength;
             char maneater;
             int jumpdistance;
        void getstripes(string animalname, int stripes);
class elephant : public circus
             int tusks;
             string eletype;
             int num;
        void gettype(int tusks,int num, string eletype, string animalname);

circus animals;
tiger cat;
elephant grey;
int main()

 cout << "Hello and welcome to the super fantastic circus!" << endl << "Please enter the following information by pressing enter after each input" << endl;

    return 0;

void circus::getanimal(string animalname, string animaltype,int animalage) 
     cout << "What is your animal's name?" << endl;
     cin >> animalname;
     cout << "what kind of animal is" << animalname << "?" << endl;
     cin >> animaltype;
     cout << "what is " << animalname << "'s" << "age?" << endl;
     cin >> animalage;
     cout << animalname << "is a" << animaltype << "and is" << animalage << "years old." << endl;
void circus::getfood()
     cout << "Please enter the animal's name." << endl;
     cin >> animalname;
     cout << "Please enter the amout of food" << animalname << "eats" << endl;
     cin >> dailyfood;
     cout << animalname << "eats" << (dailyfood * 7) << "in one week" << endl;
void tiger::getstripes(string animalname, int stripes)
     cout << "Please enter the name of the tiger." << endl;
     cin >> animalname;
     cout << "Please enter the number of stripes" << animalname << "has." << endl;
     cin >> stripes;
     cout << "So" << animalname << "has" << stripes << endl;

void elephant::gettype(int tusks,int num, string eletype, string animalname)
     cout << "What type of elephant is " << animalname << "?" << "Type 1 for African and 2 for Asian" << endl;
     cin >> num;
     if (num == 1)
     (eletype = "African");
     (eletype = "Asian");
     cout << "Does " << animalname << "have tusks type 1 for yes and 2 for no" << endl;
     cin >> tusks;
     if (tusks == 1)
     cout << animalname << " is a " << eletype << " elephant and does have tusks " << endl;
     cout << animalname << " is a " << eletype << " elephant and does not have any tusks " << endl;