Forgive me if this has been asked and answered. I have searched the forums and could not find an answer.
I am a newbie to programming and have been going through the tutorials and am having a issue with my play again loop.
Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
char name[15], answer[4], playAgain[4];
int number=rand()%100;
int guess=-1;
int trycount=0;

 cout<<"please enter your first name: ";
 cin.getline(name, 15);
 cout<<"hello " << name <<"\n";
 cout<<"did you have a good day? yes/no " ;
 cin.getline ( answer, 4 );

   ( strcmp ( answer, "yes" ) == 0)
   cout<< "I am so glad you had a good day" <<endl;
   cout<< "I am sorry you had a bad day" <<endl;

 cout<<"Would you like to play a game? yes/no ";
 cin.getline (answer, 4 );

  if (strcmp (answer, "yes") ==0)
     cout<< "Great, this game is find the number " <<endl;
     cout<< "The number will be between 0 and 100" <<endl;
     cout<< "You have 8 tries " <<endl;
       while(guess!=number && trycount<8)

         cout<<"Please enter a guess: ";

         if(guess<number) cout<<"Too low"<<endl;
         if(guess>number) cout<<"Too high"<<endl;

       cout<<"You guessed the number" <<endl;
      else {
            cout<<"Sorry, the number was: "<<number <<endl;
         cout<<"would you like to play again? yes/no" <<endl;
         cin.getline (playAgain, 4);
      while (strcmp (playAgain, "yes") == 0);
        // cin.getline (playAgain, 4);      
     cout<<"Thanks for playing ";

     return 0;
   else {
         cout<< "OK see you next time" ;

return 0;
The program compiles and runs -- the first time. When it gets to the hilighted part of the code it asks
"would you like to play again? yes/no
Thanks for playing"
It never does go back to the game part of the code. As you can see, I have tried putting cin.getline(playAgain) both above and below the while statement and get the same result.
I know it is something easy but I can not figure out what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance for any insight you might be able to provide