Just porting a small project of mine from Windows to Mac and I've hit a compile issue I'm a bit confused about.

I used CMake to build an XCode project and when I try and compile my maths library (of which I'm using operator overloading in my vector class) I'm getting errors such as this output for all the overloaded operators:

AmVector2.h:22: error: extra qualification 'AmberMaths::AmVector2::' on member 'operator+'
Here's the declaration and implementation of the above function:

AmVector2 AmVector2::operator+(AmVector2& rVec);

AmVector2 AmVector2::operator+(AmberMaths::AmVector2 &rVec)
	AmVector2 vec;
	vec.Set(x + rVec.x, y + rVec.y);

	return vec;
It compiled fine in MSVC's compiler but GCC obviously isn't happy with something.