Cannot see what is wrong with my code: Currently trying to sort an array using merge sort.

#include <iostream>

#define SIZE 4

void mergeSort(float arraySorted[], float arrayTemp[], int LHS, int RHS);
void mergeBack(float arraySorted[], float arrayTemp[], int LHS, int middle, int RHS);

void main(){
	int Counter=0;
	float arrayOne[SIZE] = {65, -72, 54, 238};
	float arrayTwo[SIZE];

		for (Counter=SIZE-1;Counter>=0;Counter--){
			std::cout << arrayOne[Counter] << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Something about sorting:" << std::endl;
	mergeSort(arrayOne, arrayTwo, 0, SIZE-1);

		for (Counter=SIZE-1;Counter>=0;Counter--){
			std::cout << arrayOne[Counter] << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Blah" << std::endl;

void mergeSort(float arraySorted[], float arrayTemp[], int LHS, int RHS){

	int Counter, middle;

		if (RHS > LHS){
			middle = (LHS + RHS) / 2;

			mergeSort(arraySorted, arrayTemp, LHS, middle);
			mergeSort(arraySorted, arrayTemp, (middle+1), RHS);

			mergeBack(arraySorted, arrayTemp, LHS, middle, RHS);


void mergeBack(float arraySorted[], float arrayTemp[], int LHS, int middle, int RHS){

	int LHSEnd, arraySize, arrayPosition, Counter = 0;

	LHSEnd = (middle -1);
	arrayPosition = (LHS);

		while ((LHS <= LHSEnd) && (middle <= RHS)){
			if (arraySorted[LHS] <= arraySorted[middle]){
				arrayTemp[arrayPosition] = arraySorted[LHS];
				arrayPosition = arrayPosition + 1;
				LHS = LHS + 1;


				arrayTemp[arrayPosition] = arraySorted[LHS];
				arrayPosition = arrayPosition + 1;
				middle = middle + 1;


		while(LHS <= LHSEnd){
			arrayTemp[arrayPosition] = arraySorted[LHS];
			LHS = LHS + 1;
			arrayPosition = arrayPosition + 1;


		while(middle <= RHS){

			arrayTemp[arrayPosition] = arraySorted[middle];
			middle = middle + 1;
			arrayPosition = arrayPosition + 1;
			arraySorted[LHS] = arrayTemp[LHS];
			LHS = LHS + 1;

Also I am unsure of how to work out the Big-0 or how many procedures it requires to work this out.

If anyone can help me with either of my problems I would be very grateful.