
I'm running some simple assembler code to try and get the details of the CPU. I'm compiling using Code::Blocks so here is the code

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int i = 0;

    char* ptr1 = new char[4];

    std::cout << ptr1 << std::endl;

    asm("movl %1, %%eax; CPUID; movl %%ebx, %0;"
        :"=r"(ptr1)  // output %0
        :"r"(i)  // input %1

    std::cout << ptr1[0] << std::endl;

    return 1;
Ok but I'm having some problems. As far as I understand it, the CPUID instruction causes data to be written into the registers ebx,ecx and edx. Ok great 4 bytes a piece. So I made a char array which can hold 4 chars, 1 byte each. I move the int 0 into eax and then commence the instruction and then move the first 4 bytes coming from ebx to the pointer variable.

I'm doing something wrong here though. I get the feeling this is too simplified, but I really don't know how to progress. Can anyone offer any insight here? Many thanks