I've pasted my code below to let everyone see.
I can't get it to run yet, there's an error that I not sure what it is...
If you can help pleaseeeeeeee do
Many thanks...

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#define max 10

class List_class
char num[max][15];
int size;

void to_screen ();
int List_class::full ();
void insert (char new_num[15]);


void main(void)
List_class num_list;
char want[15];

cout << "Enter the first number in the list or -1 to finish: ";
cin >> want;
while (!num_list.full() && want != "E")
num_list.insert (want);
cout << "\n\n";
num_list.to_screen ();
if (!num_list.full())
cout << "\n\nEnter a positive number for the list or -1 to finish: ";
cin >> want;
cout << "\n\nList is now full.";
} // if
} // while
} // main


int i;

for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)
num[i] = "ZZZ";
} // for
size = 0;
} // Constructor


void List_class::to_screen ()
// displays the list to the screen
int a;

cout << "This is the list: " << endl << endl;
for (a = 0; a < size; a = a + 1)
cout << num[a] << " ";
} // for
} // show_list


int List_class::full ()
// returns TRUE if the list is full
return (size == 10);
} // show_list


void List_class::insert (char new_num[])
// adds the new element to the appropriate location in the list.
int old, spot = 0, spot_found = 0;

while (!spot_found && spot < size)
if (strcmp(new_num, num[spot]) < 0 || strcmp(new_num, num[spot]) == 0)
spot_found = 1;
spot = spot + 1;
} // if
} // while
for (old = size; old > spot; old--)
strcpy(num[old], num[old - 1]);
} // for
size = size + 1;
strcpy(num[spot], new_num);
} // insert