Hello everybody,

I'm desperate to know how I can get over this learning curve. I should tell you that I have been exposed to programming before (Qbasic, HTML, CSS, ASM, C++) but it has all been very basic stuff. I've been trying to self teach myself code for years now and I still can't fully grasp it yet. I LOVE programming and all it has to offer, but the language used is hard to understand. This sounds stupid because my first language is english. But all the programming books/e-books that I've started to read make me want to put them down because they become hard to understand when explanation of a concept is being layed out. The other day I remembered a term (Recursion) from an article I was reading that made me stop because They didn't explain it thoroughly enough for me. I understand that computers are dumb and when programming you have to code every action that is taken by the user and machine. But isn't there a book that tells you exactly how you should create a function? And things like "destroying" a function, that sounds cool but it also tells me that functions need to be created and destroyed I never new that. What is that principle? I can learn pretty fast if the language does not require you to understand riddles because that is what i feel like I'm reading books with alot of riddles. Jeez! I don't spend enough time at my computer in front of and c++ ide to advance in my quest. It's beacuse I draw a blank and don't know where to begin, I certainly have ideas but can't code those ideas. Maybe i need to read more? I want to learn OOP but i wish there was a stupid, simple explanation i could use that would make sense. I dunno, maybe reading this rant one of you could remember how you learned code and share it with me. Ive lots of ideas for programs, plugins, API's but I lack rudimentary knowledge of my language. Please Help!

