Quote Originally Posted by tabstop View Post
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! How can it have a copy of the dog object? This is what the copy constructor is for! You can't even get past this line of the copy constructor without calling another copy constructor (actually, the same copy constructor, which is the problem).
em ok so. I am trying to break it down. I need to "see" how it <b>calls</b> itself again
          Dog(Dog dog) 

           yes I see what you mean that the copy constructor would still have to copy the existing dog object. to the new object. 

         Dog(Dog dog)
             weight = dog.weight
             //this line of code should execute.//then it should quit!
            //how does it perform a recursive call? or does the above line of code even                     
           //execute? Pardon my slowness
