
Im making a card game using arrays to setup the deck and produce cards. i've got everything done except for scoring both the players hand and dealers hand, to see who wins. I dont know how I would setup an if statement for seeing what you have in a hand once all cards are flipped.
this is what I have so far for dealing the cards and scoring the hand:
void shuffle(int wdeck[][13])

	int row;
	int column;
	int card;

	for(card = 1; card <= 52; card++) {
		do {
			row = rand() % 4;
			column = rand() % 13;
		}while(wdeck [row] [column] !=0);

		wdeck [row] [column] = card;

void deal2(const int wdeck[][13], const char *wface[], 
		  const char *wsuit[])
	int card;
	int row;
	int column;
	for ( card = 1; card <= 2; card++ ) {
		for ( row = 0; row <= 3; row++ ){

			for ( column = 0; column <=12; column++ ){

				if ( wdeck[row][column] == card ) {

					printf("%5s%-8s%\n", wface[column], wsuit[row],
					card % 52 == 0 );
void dealcommunity(const int wdeck[][13], const char *wface[], 
		  const char *wsuit[])
	int card;
	int row;
	int column;


	for ( card = 3; card <= 3; card++ ) {
		for ( row = 0; row <= 3; row++ ){

			for ( column = 0; column <=12; column++ ){

				if ( wdeck[row][column] == card ) {

					printf("%5s%-8s%\n", wface[column], wsuit[row],
					card % 52 == 0 );
void dealcommunity2(const int wdeck[][13], const char *wface[], 
		  const char *wsuit[])
	int card;
	int row;
	int column;


	for ( card = 3; card <= 4; card++ ) {
		for ( row = 0; row <= 3; row++ ){

			for ( column = 0; column <=12; column++ ){

				if ( wdeck[row][column] == card ) {

					printf("%5s%-8s%\n", wface[column], wsuit[row],
					card % 52 == 0 );
void dealcommunity3(const int wdeck[][13], const char *wface[], 
		  const char *wsuit[])
	int card;
	int row;
	int column;


	for ( card = 3; card <= 5; card++ ) {
		for ( row = 0; row <= 3; row++ ){

			for ( column = 0; column <=12; column++ ){

				if ( wdeck[row][column] == card ) {

					printf("%5s%-8s%\n", wface[column], wsuit[row],
					card % 52 == 0 );
void dealdealer( const int wdeck[][13], const char *wface[],const char *wsuit[])
	int dcard;
	int drow;
	int dcolumn;
	for ( dcard = 6; dcard <= 7; dcard++ ) {
		for ( drow = 0; drow <= 3; drow++ ){

			for ( dcolumn = 0; dcolumn <=12; dcolumn++ ){

				if ( wdeck[drow][dcolumn] == dcard ) {

					printf("%5s%-8s%\n", wface[dcolumn], wsuit[drow],
					dcard % 52 == 0 );
void playerhandscore(int& playerpoint)
	if()//An Ace-High straight of one suit.
		cout<<"You have a Royal Flush\n";
	if()//A straight of entirely one suit.
		cout<<"You have a Straight Flush\n";
	if()//Four cards of the same rank
		cout<<"You have Four of a Kind\n";
	if()//Three-of-a-kind and a pair. 
		cout<<"You have a Full House";
	if()//Five cards of the same suit.
		cout<<"You have a Flush\n";
	if()//Five cards of sequential rank
		cout<<"You have a Straight\n";
	if()//Three cards of the same rank
		cout<<"You have Three of a Kind\n";
	if()//Two cards of the same rank and another two cards of the same rank. 
		cout<<"You have Two Pair\n";
	if()//Two cards of the same rank.
		cout<<"You have a Pair\n";
	if()//When you don't have any of the above, your highest card determines your hand.
		cout<<"You have the High card\n";

void dplayerhandscore(int& dplayerpoint)
	if()//An Ace-High straight of one suit.
		cout<<"You have a Royal Flush\n";
	if()//A straight of entirely one suit.
		cout<<"You have a Straight Flush\n";
	if()//Four cards of the same rank
		cout<<"You have Four of a Kind\n";
	if()//Three-of-a-kind and a pair. 
		cout<<"You have a Full House";
	if()//Five cards of the same suit.
		cout<<"You have a Flush\n";
	if()//Five cards of sequential rank
		cout<<"You have a Straight\n";
	if()//Three cards of the same rank
		cout<<"You have Three of a Kind\n";
	if()//Two cards of the same rank and another two cards of the same rank. 
		cout<<"You have Two Pair\n";
	if()//Two cards of the same rank.
		cout<<"You have a Pair\n";
	if()//When you don't have any of the above, your highest card determines your hand.
		cout<<"You have the High card\n";
