
Im new to C++, but have had quite a bit of C under my belt. I have a question about my code. I am reading in from a file, but i have no idea what to put at a specific line.

Could anyone help me please?

Ill include what one line of the file looks like, as well as what variable are supposed to match up.

Here is my code with notation at the line im having troubles...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "spkr.cpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 FILE *f;
 FILE *fpoint;
 char c;
 int i;
 int lines = 0;
 int code;
 int eday;
 int emonth;
 int eyear;
 float time;
 char sletter;
 float ecost;
 float rcost;
 char state1;
 char state2;
 char expletter;
 int bday;
 int bmonth;
 int byear;
 int seats;
 char *first;
 char *last;
 char *name;
 int x;

      //####LINE COUNTING BLOCK##############################

                  f = fopen(argv[1], "r");

                     if(f == NULL)
                          cout << "File not found";

                           while((c = fgetc(f)) != EOF)
                           if(c == '\n')


                           if(c != '\n')
                           i = lines;
     //initializing the size of the class array according to how many lines are in the file
     Spkr UTAspkr[i];
     //****************************************************** End of counting block

      ifstream myReadFile;
               if (myReadFile.is_open()) 
                  while (!myReadFile.eof()) 

                         //This is where i need help !!!!!
                     myReadFile >> ????????;


The .TXT files first line looks like:

100 24 9 2010 19.00 M 0.00 0.00 NY L 29 7 1953 Ken Burns 525 An Evening with Ken Burns

and the variables i need to match up are:

int code = 100
int eday = 24
int emonth = 9
int eyear = 2010
float time = 19.00
char sletter = M
float ecost = 0.00
float rcost = 0.00
char state1 = N
char state2 = Y
char expletter = L
int bday = 29
int bmonth = 7
int byear = 1953
int seats = 525
char *first = Ken
char *last = Burns
char *name = An Evening with Ken Burns

Like i said, im pretty new to C++, i looked around but it was hard to find something that fit my problem.

The problem im having is what to put after myReadFile >>

Can anyone lend a hand ?