Okay, I think I got this working pretty much like it's supposed to. The one thing that is sort of stumping me, however, is the shuffle function. To shuffle, I was thinking of just allowing all of the cards to be picked from again. Any advice on a good way of doing this? I was thinking about creating another for loop to just re-populate the array with 52 cards, but that just does not seem right for some reason. Also, after I do shuffle the cards, would I just do something like
for(int i =1; i < 6; i++) // using same for loop as first time I dealt first hand ??????

	the_card = a.deal();
	cout << the_card << endl;

	for(int j = 1; j < 6; j++) //using same for loop as the first time I dealt a second                hand???
		the_card = a.deal();
		cout << setw(15) <<  the_card << endl;

Here is my whole program, I am hoping someone can look it over and see if I did things like the directions specified, etc. Thanks

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Cards
	int deck[52];
    int card ;

	Cards(); //Constructor
	int deal();
	void shuffle();

Cards::Cards() //constructor

	card = 51;

int Cards::deal() 
int i;
int deck[52];
int the_card;

int suit, value;

int randcard = 1 + rand()% 52;

for (i = 0; i < 52; i++)

suit = deck[randcard] % (4+1)  * 100;
value = deck[randcard] % 13 + 1;

deck[card] = deck[randcard];
deck[card] =  deck[card-1];

the_card = suit+value;

return the_card;

void shuffle ()


int main()
	int the_card;
	Cards a;
	for(int i =1; i < 6; i++)

	the_card = a.deal();
	cout << the_card << endl;

	for(int j = 1; j < 6; j++)
		the_card = a.deal();
		cout << setw(15) <<  the_card << endl;

	return 0;