
i am trying to make a program that will take numbers entered output them to a text file and compute the average and the standard deviation from the numbers in the file. I can enter the numbers fine and the program will write them to the file fine. I dont know how to make the program read all of the numbers that i have entered. the program will read the last number that i entered but nothing else. so like if i entered 3 numbers it would read only the last number i entered.
using namespace std;

void asknumbers(ofstream& myfile,int& howmanynumbers,double& numbers);
void readnumbers(ifstream& outfile, double numbers, double& total,int howmanynumbers);

int main()
	ofstream myfile;
	ifstream outfile;
	int howmanynumbers;
	double numbers,total;
	char repeat;


		myfile.open("numbers_file.txt",ios::trunc);			//opens and deletes everything from before
		myfile.close();										//closes file

		asknumbers(myfile,howmanynumbers,numbers);			//function for asking numbers

		cout<<"Do you want to repeat: ";

	}while(repeat=='y'||repeat=='Y');						//end first do loop

	return 0;

void asknumbers(ofstream& myfile,int& howmanynumbers,double& numbers)

	cout<<"how many numbers do you want to input:";			//asks how many number i want to put in

	int numbercounter;

		do													//asks for the numbers

			cout<<"enter the numbers:";

			myfile.open ("numbers_file.txt",ios::app);		//writes to file called numbers_file.txt
			myfile<<numbers<<endl;							//writes numbers to the file
			myfile.close();									//closes file

			numbercounter--;								//counts down how many numbers put in

		}while(numbercounter>=1);							//ends asking for numbers

void readnumbers(ifstream& outfile,double numbers, double& total,int howmanynumbers)
	outfile.open("numbers_file.txt");						//opens file
	for(int x=howmanynumbers;x>0;x--)
		outfile>>numbers;										//reads numbers
	total+=numbers;						//calculates total from numbers input
	cout<<"The total of the numbers is: "<<total<<endl;
