Hello, i am hoping someone can help me with this code error. I am reading Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 days and i am using Dev C++ as the compiler. Right now i am stumped, I only have one error stopping me from compiling my program and running it. I have looked over the code in the book and have written it down exactly.
The error is: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'VolumeCube' with no type.
And here is the code:
//demonstrates use of default parameter values
#include <iostream>
int VolumeCube(int length, int width = 25, int height = 1);

int main()
    int length = 100;
    int width = 50;
    int height = 2;
    int volume;
    volume = VolumeCube(length, width, height);
    std::cout << "First volume equals: " << volume << 
    volume = VolumeCube(length, width);
    std::cout << "Second time volume equals: " <<
    volume << "\n";
    volume = VolumeCube(length);
    std::cout << "Third time volume equals; " << volume << "\n";
    return 0;

VolumeCube (int length, int width, int height)
               return (length * width * height);