Thread: Calculating Sum of Integers of Unknown Length

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Calculating Sum of Integers of Unknown Length

    My assignment, which I've attached (.pdf), is to write a C++ program that will accept a file containing an unknown number of integers as input. For each number in the input file, output the original number and the sum of the digits of the number.

    Here's what I have so far:
    // CS 1361
    // Lab27
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    	int number, digit, sumDigits;
    	ifstream fin; // Input File
    	ofstream fout; // Output File"lab27.dat");
    	if (!fin)
    		cerr << "Error opening input file." << endl;
    		return 1;
    	if (!fout)
    	cerr << "Error opening output file." << endl;
    	return 1;
    	//output table heading
    	fout << setfill('-') << setw(27) << '-' << endl;
    	fout << "Number Sum of Digits" <<endl;
    	fout << setfill('-') << setw(27) << '-' << endl;
    	fout << setfill(' ');
    	while (fin >> number)
    		sumDigits = 0;
    		fout << number;
    		if (number != 0)
    			sumDigits = sumDigits + (number % 10);
    	fout << setfill('-') << setw(27) << '-' << endl;
    	//close the files
    	return 0;
    I'm having some trouble with this... Any guidance will be hugely appreciated.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2009
    if (number != 0)
        sumDigits = sumDigits + (number % 10);
    Why are you using "if" here;

    if number was "123" then you would get "3", I think the above section of code needs something to make 2 and 1 added to sumDigits.

    Hint: For problems like this you normally use integer division to shift through number's digits.

    Note: I deleted my first post because I mistook ">>" as C shift op.

    Tim S.
    Last edited by stahta01; 10-26-2010 at 01:13 PM. Reason: Added hint

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    stahta01: Thanks for your reply. Here's the solution I came up with.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    	int number, digit, sumDigits;
    	ifstream fin; // Input File
    	ofstream fout; // Output File"lab27.dat");
    	if (!fin)
    		cerr << "Error opening input file." << endl;
    		return 1;
    	if (!fout)
    	cerr << "Error opening output file." << endl;
    	return 1;
    	//output table heading
    	fout << setfill('-') << setw(27) << '-' << endl;
    	fout << "Number        Sum of Digits" << endl;
    	fout << setfill('-') << setw(27) << '-' << endl;
    	fout << setfill(' ');
    	while (fin >> number)
    		sumDigits = 0;
    		fout << setw(11) << right << number;
    		while(number != 0)
    		digit = number % 10;
    		sumDigits = sumDigits + digit;
    		number = number / 10;
    			fout << setw(16) << right << abs(sumDigits) << endl;
    	fout << setfill('-') << setw(27) << '-' << endl;
    	//close the files
    	return 0;

  4. #4
    Casual Visitor
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    for grins (and nothing more), you could try a string object and the sstream class.

    string number = "123";
    int sum = 0, nval;
    for(int i=0; i < number.length(); ++i) {
       string nstr(number, i, 1);
       istringstream sdigit(nstr);
       sdigit >> nval;
       sum += nval;
    cout << number << " sum of digits is " << sum;
    I haven't used a compiler in ages, so please be gentle as I try to reacclimate myself. :P

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