The whole point of the homework is to test an overloaded constructor. If I manually put an int into the constructor it works and I get the correct result BUT I cannot figure out how to get it to take a set of 3 characters like "jun" or "dec".

If I leave the constructor empty, it runs the default constructor like it should.
If I put in a "2", February comes out like it should.
But if I put in "jan" or any other set of 3 characters I get a blank.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class month
    int mnth;

    month();  //default constructor
    month(char newMonth);  //overloaded constructor
    month(int newMonthInt);  //overloaded constructor
    int getMonth();  //accessor
    void setMonth(int userMonth);  //mutator
    void displayMonth();

void main () 
  month test;

  test = month();  //enter month here by int or 3char


void month::setMonth(int userMonth)
  mnth = userMonth;

int month::getMonth()
  return mnth;

  mnth = 1;

month::month(int userMonthInt)
  mnth = userMonthInt;

month::month(char newMonth)
  if (newMonth == 'jan')
    mnth = 1;
  else if (newMonth == 'feb')
    mnth = 2;
  else if (newMonth == 'mar')
    mnth = 3;
  else if (newMonth == 'apr')
    mnth = 4;
  else if (newMonth == 'may')
    mnth = 5;
  else if (newMonth == 'jun')
    mnth = 6;
  else if (newMonth == 'jul')
    mnth = 7;
  else if (newMonth =='aug')
    mnth = 8;
  else if (newMonth == 'sep')
    mnth = 9;
  else if (newMonth == 'oct')
    mnth = 10;
  else if (newMonth == 'nov')
    mnth = 11;
  else if (newMonth == 'dec')
    mnth = 12;

void month::displayMonth()
  if (mnth == 1)
    cout << "January";
  else if (mnth == 2)
    cout << "February";
  else if (mnth == 3)
    cout << "March";
  else if (mnth == 4)
    cout << "April";
  else if (mnth == 5)
    cout << "May";
  else if (mnth == 6)
    cout << "June";
  else if (mnth == 7)
    cout << "July";
  else if (mnth == 8)
    cout << "August";
  else if (mnth == 9)
    cout << "September";
  else if (mnth == 10)
    cout << "October";
  else if (mnth == 11)
    cout << "November";
  else if (mnth == 12)
    cout << "December";

  cout << " was entered." << endl;
Thanks in advance for any advice or help.