at first this is going to sound like i am asking something that would get me flamed had it been, in fact, what i was asking. i want to say right up front that i am NOT asking how to clear the screen. i already know ways to do this if i truly wanted it done.

that being said, my problem is as follows:

how do i clear the screen?

no no, im just joking. here is my problem, seriously:

i went to use the clrscr() function, because i didnt like how putting newlines to scroll off the screen looked. i regularly compile throughout my program to check for compile errors, so i dont have to fix them all at once. when i do this, the functions that are created but not defined bring up seperate errors.

clrscr() gives me one of those errors. so my actual question is this:

what is the function for clrscr(), so that i can define it in my program and have it run as if it could read this function normally, if this is possible.
i am using Dev C++.

and dont ask "did you include such and such?" because, yes, i included everything the FAQ said to.