Thread: Error in Exceptions.h file during build of QuickFix library

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    May 2010

    Error in Exceptions.h file during build of QuickFix library

    I am in the process of learning FIX protocol using QuickFix, I am following the example which is given in the documentation,however I am getting an error during build in one file which is part of the quickfix header file.

    Can anyone please let me know if I am missing anything in my project configuration. Just as an FYI I did follow all the instruction in quickfix website to set up a C++ project.


    1>c:\project\quickfix\quickfix_c\quickfix\include\quickfix\exceptions.h(260) : error C2664: 'FormatMessageW' : cannot convert parameter 5 from 'char [2048]' to 'LPWSTR'
    1>        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
    Code of Exceptions.h. The error is in line 260 which is as follows:

    #ifdef _MSC_VER
        error = WSAGetLastError();
        char buffer[2048];
        FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, error,
                       buffer, 2048, NULL );
        return buffer;
    /* -*- C++ -*- */
    ** Copyright (c)  All rights reserved.
    ** This file is part of the QuickFIX FIX Engine
    ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the
    ** license as defined by and appearing in the file
    ** LICENSE included in the packaging of this file.
    ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    ** See for licensing information.
    ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this licensing are
    ** not clear to you.
    #ifndef FIX_EXCEPTIONS_H
    #define FIX_EXCEPTIONS_H
    #include <string>
    #include <stdexcept>
    #include "Utility.h"
    namespace FIX
    /// Base QuickFIX exception type.
    struct Exception : public std::logic_error
      Exception( const std::string& t, const std::string& d )
      : std::logic_error( d.size() ? t + ": " + d : t ),
        type( t ), detail( d )
      ~Exception() throw() {}
      std::string type;
      std::string detail;
    /// DataDictionary not found for BeginString or ApplVerID
    struct DataDictionaryNotFound : public Exception
      DataDictionaryNotFound( const std::string& v, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Could not find data dictionary", what ),
                     version( v ) {}
      ~DataDictionaryNotFound() throw() {}
      std::string version;
    /// Field not found inside a message
    struct FieldNotFound : public Exception
      FieldNotFound( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Field not found", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Unable to convert field into its native format
    struct FieldConvertError : public Exception
      FieldConvertError( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Could not convert field", what ) {}
    /// Unable to parse message
    struct MessageParseError : public Exception
      MessageParseError( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Could not parse message", what ) {}
    /// Not a recognizable message
    struct InvalidMessage : public Exception
      InvalidMessage( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Invalid message", what ) {}
    /// %Application is not configured correctly
    struct ConfigError : public Exception
      ConfigError( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Configuration failed", what ) {}
    /// %Application encountered serious error during runtime
    struct RuntimeError : public Exception
      RuntimeError( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Runtime error", what ) {}
    /// Tag number does not exist in specification
    struct InvalidTagNumber : public Exception
      InvalidTagNumber( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Invalid tag number", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Required field is not in message
    struct RequiredTagMissing : public Exception
      RequiredTagMissing( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Required tag missing", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Field does not belong to message
    struct TagNotDefinedForMessage : public Exception
      TagNotDefinedForMessage( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Tag not defined for this message type", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Field exists in message without a value
    struct NoTagValue : public Exception
      NoTagValue( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Tag specified without a value", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Field has a value that is out of range
    struct IncorrectTagValue : public Exception
      IncorrectTagValue( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Value is incorrect (out of range) for this tag", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Field has a badly formatted value
    struct IncorrectDataFormat : public Exception
      IncorrectDataFormat( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Incorrect data format for value", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Message is not structured correctly
    struct IncorrectMessageStructure : public Exception
      IncorrectMessageStructure( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Incorrect message structure", what ) {}
    /// Field shows up twice in the message
    struct DuplicateFieldNumber : public Exception
      DuplicateFieldNumber( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Duplicate field number", what ) {}
    /// Not a known message type
    struct InvalidMessageType : public Exception
      InvalidMessageType( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Invalid Message Type", what ) {}
    /// Message type not supported by application
    struct UnsupportedMessageType : public Exception
      UnsupportedMessageType( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Unsupported Message Type", what ) {}
    /// Version of %FIX is not supported
    struct UnsupportedVersion : public Exception
      UnsupportedVersion( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Unsupported Version", what ) {}
    /// Tag is not in the correct order
    struct TagOutOfOrder : public Exception
      TagOutOfOrder( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Tag specified out of required order", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Repeated tag not part of repeating group
    struct RepeatedTag : public Exception
      RepeatedTag( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Repeated tag not part of repeating group", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Repeated group count not equal to actual count
    struct RepeatingGroupCountMismatch : public Exception
      RepeatingGroupCountMismatch( int f = 0, const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Repeating group count mismatch", what ),
                     field( f ) {}
      int field;
    /// Indicates user does not want to send a message
    struct DoNotSend : public Exception
      DoNotSend( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Do Not Send Message", what ) {}
    /// User wants to reject permission to logon
    struct RejectLogon : public Exception
      RejectLogon( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Rejected Logon Attempt", what ) {}
    /// Session cannot be found for specified action
    struct SessionNotFound : public Exception
      SessionNotFound( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "Session Not Found", what ) {}
    /// IO Error
    struct IOException : public Exception
      IOException( const std::string& what = "" )
        : Exception( "IO Error", what ) {}
    /// Socket Error
    struct SocketException : public Exception
        : Exception( "Socket Error", errorToWhat() ) {}
      SocketException( const std::string& what )
        : Exception( "Socket Error", what ) {}
      std::string errorToWhat()
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
        error = WSAGetLastError();
        char buffer[2048];
        FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, error,
                       buffer, 2048, NULL );
        return buffer;
        error = errno;
        return strerror( error );
      int error;
    /// Socket send operation failed
    struct SocketSendFailed : public SocketException
      SocketSendFailed() {}
      SocketSendFailed( const std::string& what )
        : SocketException( what ) {}
    /// Socket recv operation failed
    struct SocketRecvFailed : public SocketException
      SocketRecvFailed( int size )
        : SocketException( size == 0 ? "Connection reset by peer." : size < 0 ? errorToWhat() : "Success." ) {}
      SocketRecvFailed( const std::string& what )
        : SocketException( what ) {}
    /// Socket close operation failed
    struct SocketCloseFailed : public SocketException
      SocketCloseFailed() {}
      SocketCloseFailed( const std::string& what )
        : SocketException( what ) {}
    /*! @} */
    #endif //FIX_EXCEPTIONS_H

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    Two things

    a) setup your project so that UNICODE is disabled in the build.

    b) send them a bug report to show them that error message, and show them that disabling UNICODE fixes the problem.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Inside my computer
    Indeed. They should be using FormatMessageA.
    You can choose what "character set" to use in project options. Use multi-byte or none.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    May 2010
    Please mark this thread as resolved. I set the character set to "Not Set". It solved the building errors.

    I would like to thank everyone for helping me out.

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