Okay, here is the step by step. I'm starting from scratch. I've uninstalled DXSDK (June 2010). According to the website Download details: DirectX SDK - (June 2010) it works with windows XP so that should not be an issue.

I'm now installing it in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)

As soon as I'm given the option, I get a little popup in the tray that says .../wavebank.xwb is corrupt and to run chkdsk which I did. The console spat out a bunch of crap saying it deleted this index and that one. I assume it isn't related to my current issue but if you folks think it is, I'll do it again and post it.

Now I have the dialog for installation options. By default, everything is selected except DirectX symbol files. Last time, I installed those anyway. This time, I'll just go with the default. Again, probably not related.


And the popup returns telling me that WaveBank.xwb is corrupt. This is in a sample folder so it seems like there should be no effect on the overall coding. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also a dialog pops up twice with an error writing to that particular file. I will skip it for now.

Finished installing.

Now I'm installing the redistributable also June 2010. Located here: Download DirectX Redistributable June 2010 Free - A very useful application for running and displaying applications rich in multimedia elements - Softpedia

Here goes:

Unsure of exactly where to extract the files, I've placed them in a desktop folder. They are cab files which according to my computer are a type of zip file. I assume I don't need to extract every one (pain in the ass if I do) but just place them in the correct directory.

I did a search for similar files and found two folders.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs


C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Redist

I think it's the first one but I won't go any further for now. I'll listen to what you fine gentlemen have to say. But am I right so far?