first post
i am 17 and have always liked computers and have built my own pc etc...
i am currently trying out programming while i decide if i should do a computer science degree... i want to be sure programming is 'for me' before i dive into a computer science which is mainly software engineering.
I am following the tutorial on this site and am up to page 3. Tutorial: Loops

here is what i am having problems with:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; // So the program can see cout and endl

int main()
  // The loop goes while x < 10, and x increases by one every loop
  for ( int x = 0; x < 10; x++ ) {
    // Keep in mind that the loop condition checks 
    //  the conditional statement before it loops again.
    //  consequently, when x equals 10 the loop breaks.
    // x is updated before the condition is checked.    
    cout<< x <<endl;

i can get the code to work, and i am trying to get my head around this line:

for ( variable initialization; condition; variable update ) {
  Code to execute while the condition is true
variable initialization is where you want to start counting (in this case 0 )
Condition is what you want to count up to? ( in this case 10, not including 10)
Then what is variable update? in this case it is x++ but what is this?

if someone could please help by confirming my understanding, and helping me on the x++ bit?

i apologise if this is a very basic question to be asking on such an advanced forum, bare with me