I'm doing an practice exercise from a book and I am having problems with initializing an array structure in a class.
I get multiple errors. one says a brace-enclosed initializer is not allowed here before '{' token.
another says ISO c++ forbids initialization of member 'drink'
third -making 'drink' satic
fourth error -invalid in class initialization of static data member of non integral type drinkInfo[3]
Can you help me find the error in the code?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct drinkInfo{
    string name;
    double price;
    int quantity;

    drinkInfo(string n, double p, int q){
        name = n;
        price = p;
        quantity = q;


class machine {
        drinkInfo drink[3] = { drinkInfo("cola", 0.75, 20),
                               drinkInfo("sprite", 0.75, 20),
                               drinkInfo("root beer", 0.75, 20) };
